TOTW: Gatherings

  • Posted on: 4 March 2019
  • By: anon (not verified)

A whole lot of years ago I went to the North American Anarchist Gathering in Lawrence, Kansas. While I had been to anarchist assemblies and teach-ins locally, this was the first large and non-regional, but explicitly anarchist event I ever went to. Being from the west coast, it was interesting to encounter anarchists from other parts of the country (this was 2002, before the internet is what it is today).

Against US Intervention in Venezuela: Death to Yankee Imperialism

  • Posted on: 5 March 2019
  • By: thecollective

RAM denounces any and all acts of U.S. imperialism and stands, unequivocally, in solidarity with the revolutionary movement in Venezuela, particularly our anarchist comrades formerly in the organization Manifiesto de La Federaction Anarquista Revolucionaria de Venezuela (FARV). We stand in solidarity with the destitute, the oppressed, those who have found dignity through the revolutionary process and who have organized within their own communities for decades, in an effort to gain autonomy from capitalism and the state.

Russia: court extends arrest order against anarchist Azat Miftakhov

  • Posted on: 5 March 2019
  • By: thecollective

The Golovinsky Court of Moscow has extended until 7th April the pre-trial detention of Moscow State University student Azat Miftakhov. The court hearing was held yesterday late afternoon outside the court’s official working hours, with Azat’s supporters and mother forcibly removed from the court room.

FRR Books Podcast. Stirner Series Ep. 8: He loves Every one! Every one! <3

  • Posted on: 3 March 2019
  • By: anon (not verified)
so it goes

listen here:
or here:

Did you think we would stop? Or would we ride this horse into the ground annihilating ourselves and anyone who wants to tag along on this joyride of platonic(or not so platonic) world eating.

In episode VII we discuss the second half of the chapter My Intercourse in the Unique and Its Property by Max Stirner, translated by Wolfi Lanstreicher.

Primal Anarchy Podcast 17

  • Posted on: 3 March 2019
  • By: thecollective

From Primal Anarchy, March 1st, 2019

Politics of Representation and Book Recommendations Pt 2

Episode 17: Politics of Representation and Book Recommendations, Pt 2March 1, 2019House cleaning and introduction. The Cull of Personality is out now, discussion about the politics of representation and building narratives without owning other people. Lilia reads the first chapter, ‘A Shallow Grave.’ Wild Resistance no 6 will be here any day, information about the new issue. For Wildness and Anarchy expanded second edition updates. Getting back to work on Of Gods and Country. Greg Grandin’s The End of the Myth and the nature of the American identity. The frontier versus the border in terms of the colonial imagination. Eco-feminist book recommendations and the innate power of the medical industry. Mythologies of civilization’s progress. Anti-missionary book recommendations. Indigenous narrative book recommendations and the complexities of representation. Indigenous resistance versus revolutionary, from the view point of an Apache child during the Apache Wars.

A Workers’ Party and Elections or Class Struggle?

  • Posted on: 3 March 2019
  • By: thecollective


The Question of State Power and the Anarchists’ Answer

The question of state government elections and running a Workers or Socialist political party continues to be raised in the working class movement and the Left globally. As we may know, there was excitement about the rise of Jeremy Corbyn in the Labour Party in Britain, left political parties in certain parts of Europe and Latin America and, more recently, certain shifts to more centrist positions in the United States amongst a section of the Democratic Party calling themselves “Democratic Socialists”. In South Africa, many workers and some activists seem cautiously optimistic by NUMSA’s[1] formation of the Socialist Revolutionary Workers Party that will seek to participate in the 2019 general elections.

Review: Rupturing the Dialectic by Harry Cleaver

  • Posted on: 3 March 2019
  • By: thecollective

From Anarchist Writers by anarcho

There is nothing worse than seeing a film labelled “inspired by true events” (or a TV series “inspired” by the stories of Philip K. Dick) for you know that any relation to actual events is purely accidental. This does not mean the film will be bad – indeed, it may be excellent (Blade Runner springs to mind as regards Dick adaptations). It just means that when you discover the source of the “inspiration” you realise the film does not reflect it very much, if at all.

Trouble 18: ACAB

  • Posted on: 3 March 2019
  • By: thecollective


Cops are the front-line of the state, tasked with defending and reinforcing all illegitimate hierarchies of power. They are the armed enforcers of white supremacy who catch paid vacations for murdering Black children in the streets. They are the knock on the door to evict you from your home. They are the no-knock SWAT Team raid that shoots your dog. They are the corrupt overseers of the ghetto, the barrio, the favela. They are the unmarked cruiser that slows down to harass a sex worker. They are the vicious interrogators of rape survivors. They are the protectors of bulldozers and pipelines. They are the batons, flash bangs and rubber bullets used to break up our demonstrations, and put down our riots. They are the guardians of capital. They are the oppressor. And without exception… they’re all bastards.
