black and green review

Primal Anarchy Podcast 17

  • Posted on: 3 March 2019
  • By: thecollective

From Primal Anarchy, March 1st, 2019

Politics of Representation and Book Recommendations Pt 2

Episode 17: Politics of Representation and Book Recommendations, Pt 2March 1, 2019House cleaning and introduction. The Cull of Personality is out now, discussion about the politics of representation and building narratives without owning other people. Lilia reads the first chapter, ‘A Shallow Grave.’ Wild Resistance no 6 will be here any day, information about the new issue. For Wildness and Anarchy expanded second edition updates. Getting back to work on Of Gods and Country. Greg Grandin’s The End of the Myth and the nature of the American identity. The frontier versus the border in terms of the colonial imagination. Eco-feminist book recommendations and the innate power of the medical industry. Mythologies of civilization’s progress. Anti-missionary book recommendations. Indigenous narrative book recommendations and the complexities of representation. Indigenous resistance versus revolutionary, from the view point of an Apache child during the Apache Wars.

To The Captives

  • Posted on: 3 February 2019
  • By: thecollective

From Wild Resistance by Kevin Tucker

Semantics can be painful, but sometimes a little goes a long way.

For nearly the past two decades, I have loudly called myself an anarcho-primitivist. I’ve found both grounding and a place within anarcho-primitivism. It’s helped define a place to learn and fight from. But, like all things, it’s important to realize limitations as well. Is this new ground, or are we still on enemy turf?

Primal Anarchy Podcast 16

  • Posted on: 3 February 2019
  • By: thecollective

From Primal Anarchy, January 9, 2019

Book Recommendations, Part 1

House cleaning and announcements: Black and Green Podcast is now Primal Anarchy Podcast, Black and Green Review is now Wild Resistance. New book announcement, Cull of Personality: Ayahuasca, Colonialism and the Death of a Healer, e-book out now, print books in hand later this month. Thoughts on primal anarchy vs anarcho-primitivism. Get pissed about what is happening to the Unist’ot’en. Madhusree Mukerjee on the Sentinelese killing missionary John Chau. Book recommendations, part 1: your anti-civ library. You’re welcome nerds. - A Nerd.