the state

A Workers’ Party and Elections or Class Struggle?

  • Posted on: 3 March 2019
  • By: thecollective


The Question of State Power and the Anarchists’ Answer

The question of state government elections and running a Workers or Socialist political party continues to be raised in the working class movement and the Left globally. As we may know, there was excitement about the rise of Jeremy Corbyn in the Labour Party in Britain, left political parties in certain parts of Europe and Latin America and, more recently, certain shifts to more centrist positions in the United States amongst a section of the Democratic Party calling themselves “Democratic Socialists”. In South Africa, many workers and some activists seem cautiously optimistic by NUMSA’s[1] formation of the Socialist Revolutionary Workers Party that will seek to participate in the 2019 general elections.

New Writing From Jeremy: What Really Happened At FCI Milan

  • Posted on: 3 March 2019
  • By: thecollective

From Free Jeremy by Jeremy Hammond

This new piece of writing from Jeremy further details the horror of the of the situation that he endured at FCI Milan involving his alleged assault of a guard. Through it, we have learned that Jeremy (thankfully) at least had a cellmate at least part of the time, but that the situation was, sadly, even more convoluted than any of us on the outside ever could have imagined. Prison truly is cruel by its very nature, and that is something no amount of reform will ever fix. We must strive for abolition if we ever hope for true justice.
– Grace North

Overview of repressions against anarchists and antifascists in Belarus in 2018

  • Posted on: 23 February 2019
  • By: thecollective

From Anarchist Black Cross Belarus

At the beginning of the year everybody were shocked by “Network case” in Russia where anarchists were tortured and detained. According to the FSB, a chapter of the “Network” also operated in Belarus. The KGB hasn’t publicly reacted to this statement, however, we noticed increased efforts to recruit youth associated with the anarchist movement in different parts of Belarus.

Do Anarchists Vote in State Elections?

  • Posted on: 24 January 2019
  • By: anon (not verified)

It obviously depends on the individual anarchist whether or not they choose to participate in the political process, but I'm writing this piece to point out that the act of voting in state elections stands in direct contradiction with anarchy. If an anarchist chooses to vote, that action has nothing to do with furthering anarchy or anarchist principles. No anarchist worth their salt would pressure other anarchists into voting for their favorite politician.

The State Shutdowns, the Commune Rises: #J20 Events Across US

  • Posted on: 15 January 2019
  • By: thecollective

From It's Going Down

In December of 2018, It’s Going Down along with CrimethInc., Mutual Aid Disaster Relief, and the Final Straw all made a call for a week of action and experimentation around mutual aid, community resilience and self-defense, and the creation of survival programs.