AK Press

Review: Rupturing the Dialectic by Harry Cleaver

  • Posted on: 3 March 2019
  • By: thecollective

From Anarchist Writers by anarcho

There is nothing worse than seeing a film labelled “inspired by true events” (or a TV series “inspired” by the stories of Philip K. Dick) for you know that any relation to actual events is purely accidental. This does not mean the film will be bad – indeed, it may be excellent (Blade Runner springs to mind as regards Dick adaptations). It just means that when you discover the source of the “inspiration” you realise the film does not reflect it very much, if at all.

Solecast: Carla Bergman & Nick Montgomery on Joyful Militancy

  • Posted on: 9 February 2019
  • By: thecollective

From Solecast

This episode of the Solecast I chat with Carla Bergman and Nick Montgomery about their new(ish) book out on AK Press, “Joyful Militancy.” This book is a critical examination of the toxicity that seems to be so common within activist subculture. They talk about the (potential) influences that schooling, religion, hierarchy, and empire has on our lives and how it can even seep into our organizing.