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  1. 9 hours ago

    Thank you for your leadership, . Every person complicit in ripping families apart of putting immigrant children in child jail must be help accountable.

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  2. 7 hours ago
  3. 9 hours ago

    . today asked FBI Director Chris Wray to investigate whether Sec. Kirstjen Nielsen committed perjury, accusing her of lying to Congress about the Trump administration having a family-separation policy. See letter below.

  4. . has been excellent on the issue of family separation at the border. Here he leads again.

  5. Based on docs got from a whistleblower & shared with , the senator concludes lied about child separations at border.

  6. 11 hours ago

    JUST IN: Sen. Jeff Merkley has formally requested the FBI investigate whether DHS Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen lied under oath to Congress

  7. Jeff Merkley is requesting that the FBI investigate whether DHS Sec'y Nielsen perjured herself during her House Judiciary Cmte. testimony when she said there was no family separation policy; Merkley says a memo he released shows the admin planning a policy as early as Dec. 2017.

  8. 10 hours ago

    Merkley deserves a ton of credit for his leadership here. This is good, honest, careful work in response to cynicism, cruelty, and lies.

  9. It’s time to end the corruption in our democracy. ✔️Ending dark money ✔️Protecting and Expanding the Right to Vote ✔️Making Election Day a federal holiday ✔️Eliminating Gerrymandering ✔️Ensuring Equal Representation

  10. The corruption in our democracy MUST come to an end. It’s time to pass comprehensive democracy reform and reclaim our democracy for “We the People.” That’s why I’m working with to push forward in the Senate.

  11. Sec. Nielsen on Dec. 20, 2018 before House Judiciary: “We've never had a policy for family separation” Merkley said "new evidence has emerged" revealing high-level DHS officials were actively developing a policy & legal framework for separating families as far back as Dec. 2017.

  12. 12 hours ago

    NEW: Sen. Jeff Merkley requests FBI open perjury investigation into DHS Sec. Kirstjen Nielsen following leaked memo over family separations.

  13. NEW asks the FBI to open a perjury investigation into DHS Secretary Merkley: Nielsen stated under oath that "we’ve never had a policy for family separation" but secret memo shows DHS was actively planning family separation policy as early as Dec 2017

  14. 12 hours ago

    This is an incredibly important release from showing how the administration lied about its family separation policy. The policy is there in black and white. And so are the lies.

  15. NEW: Sen. Jeff Merkley has formally requested FBI Director Wray open a perjury investigation into Sec. of Homeland Security Kirstjen Nielsen. says “new documents show Nielsen lied in sworn testimony to Congress about the administration’s family separation policy.”

  16. I’m formally requesting that the investigate whether committed perjury during her testimony under oath before . The memo I released yesterday flat-out contradicts her statement that there was no child separation policy.

  17. Undo
  18. . and the administration lied. Period. We have proof that the Trump War on Migrant Children was carefully constructed to inflict harm on children and create a humanitarian crisis.

  19. The Mueller report must be released to Congress and the public. We can’t let bury the report on his corrupt actions.

  20. If this report of Trump suborning false testimony is confirmed, then Trump committed a felony and must resign or be impeached.


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