Tom UdallVerified account


United States Senator from New Mexico.

Santa Fe and Washington
Joined July 2009


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  1. Feb 1

    During , we celebrate the countless ways black Americans strengthen our nation. We honor black Americans’ enduring struggle for justice, and acknowledge how our nation still fails to live up to our ideals. We continue the march toward equality & justice for all.

  2. Feb 1

    Our bills take much-needed action against the admin's out-of touch attacks: they would restore basic due process to eminent domain, protect sensitive wildlife areas from border barrier construction and subject Trump’s wall to the same laws that govern other federal projects.

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  3. Feb 1

    As a border state senator, I can tell you: most New Mexicans don’t want the president’s wall, because it could cause irreparable damage to our border & environment. & I are standing up for our state with bills to protect NM's landowners, wildlife & way of life.

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  4. Jan 31

    We've introduced major, bipartisan legislation to close gaps in current laws that have left Native children, sexual assault survivors, and Tribal police unprotected. Congress must pass these bills and provide Tribal governments with the tools they need to ensure public safety.

  5. Jan 31

    Proud to lead the full New Mexico delegation and re-introduce the Native American Languages Programs Reauthorization Act. This legislation honors Esther Martinez’s legacy and promotes Tribes’ work to maintain and revitalize Native languages.

  6. Jan 31

    Even during the gov't shutdown, the Trump Admin. moved forward with leasing for development near Chaco Canyon, without transparency. is a UNESCO world heritage site sacred to Tribes. Leases within 10 miles of Chaco should be halted to listen to public & Native voices.

  7. Jan 30

    Hispanic women in New Mexico make 53 cents on the dollar, Native women 57, and black women 64. This inequity can’t stand, and I won’t stop fighting until everyone gets for equal work.

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  8. Jan 30

    It's the 10th anniversary of the Lilly Ledbetter Act— an important step, but we still have a lot of work to do. After all, in New Mexico, women make 84 cents for every $1 a man makes & the numbers are even lower for women of color.

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  9. Jan 30

    Great to see standing up for a cleaner future— and for New Mexicans’ way of life. Climate change is already hurting NM, and if the federal gov’t isn’t going to take action, states, communities, and businesses need to step up.

  10. Jan 30

    Glad we got to change course & keep safeguards in place to protect farmworkers—including children—from pesticides. There's NO reason to weaken such rules. That’s why I fought for a bipartisan pesticide bill to protect them. Congress should pass it.

  11. Jan 30

    makes sure billionaires can’t buy our elections anymore. If that worries , maybe the bill isn’t the problem.

  12. Jan 30

    In the first hearing of the 116th Congress we got right to work, approving several bills, including the PROGRESS Act & SURVIVE Act. These will improve self-governance & public safety— two of Indian Country’s long term legislative priorities.

  13. Jan 29

    Proud to reintroduce this Congress. This bipartisan legislation seeks justice for Native women who go missing & experience violence at alarming rates— crimes that often go uninvestigated. We must pass this bill as a first step towards ending the violence.

  14. Jan 29

    The cost our country $11 billion— yes, billion. And $3 billion of that is gone forever. That's on top of the pain he caused so many hardworking families, which can't be counted in dollars. We can't allow to do this ever again.

  15. Jan 29

    While communities across the U.S. rush to prep for a dangerous cold front, POTUS makes jokes about this potential disaster online. We know climate change contributes to extreme weather events. But sadly, the facts just don't matter to this president.

  16. Jan 29

    It’s a historic day as begins hearings on , a bill that will end corruption and put the power of our democracy right back where it belongs: in the hands of the people. I’m leading this legislation in the Senate, because the system is broken. We must act.

  17. Jan 28

    Jill and I are sending our thoughts and condolences to the whole Saavedra family today— Rep. Saavedra was a dedicated leader who loved New Mexico and was a tireless advocate for the S. Valley. His legacy of unity and kindness won’t soon be forgotten.

  18. Jan 28

    Now that the shutdown is over, we need to make sure federal employees in and across the country get their missed paychecks without delay. We wrote ’s to stand up for these workers. They need to know when they're getting paid. And they need to be paid ASAP.

    , , and 7 others
  19. Jan 28

    The showed us why so many Americans believe their government doesn't answer to them. The voices of the people are being shut out. I'm leading a bold reform bill to root out corruption, fix our system, and give power back to the people.

  20. Jan 28

    Interrupting service would hurt local economies all along the route, and our communities can't afford that. needs to work with communities from New Mexico to Kansas to make sure this engine of economic growth stays on track.


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