Austin EversVerifizierter Account


Executive Director of American Oversight. Follow us .

Washington, DC
Beigetreten Mai 2007


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    13. Nov.

    GOP Rep. Francis Rooney, who has not ruled out supporting impeachment, said Ds’ case would be stronger if they had someone who had direct communication with Trump. I asked if he thinks Mulvaney should testify, and he said he should. “ I think everyone should come to testify.”

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  2. 14. Nov.

    ⬇️ The only defense Trump hasn’t tried is letting the facts come out. Wonder why?

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  3. 13. Nov.

    Opinion | What Trump Is Hiding From the Impeachment Hearings - The New York Times

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    Feel free to make Bolton, Mulvaney, Kupperman and Pompeo available for immediate testimony on their first person knowledge. Better yet, make the president available to testify under oath. Go ahead.

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  5. 13. Nov.

    Rep. Spieir: “We have not received one piece of paper” from the State Department.

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  6. 13. Nov.

    I need to update this. What Jim Jordan says is actually evidence against Jim Jordan.

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    Here's the rest of the Fact Checker's guide to the impeachment hearings. The president himself has earned plenty of Pinocchios -->

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  8. 13. Nov.

    Jim Jordan motormouthing instead of letting Taylor testify is a great way not to get any evidence to confirm or refute his “questions.”

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  9. 13. Nov.

    What Jim Jordan says is not evidence.

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  10. 13. Nov.

    High crimes and misdemeanors are fine as long as they are not outlandish.

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  11. 13. Nov.

    Counsel for Nunes seems to be unaware that no one knows what he is talking about.

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  12. 13. Nov.

    True. But the extraordinary quality of these public servants is quite standard at State.

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    We're looking for a (paid!) intern to join our research team this summer. Learn more here:

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  15. 8. Nov.

    And what dishonesty is alleged here? She referred the House staffer to the State Department. Hardly a substantive response.

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  16. 8. Nov.

    This smear is absurd. I’m sure the House was investigating the ambassador’s removal long before the whistleblower complaint came out? Why? Because I’m sure they saw the same news did. We launched our investigation in May.

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  17. 8. Nov.

    Our one stop shop for our investigations into Mike Pompeo’s Political Ambitions and Influences

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  18. 8. Nov.

    What We Learned from the Yovanovitch and McKinley Transcripts - American Oversight

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    Are you constantly scrolling through Twitter and finding yourself getting angry reading news stories about ongoing misconduct in the administration? Would you like to help hold the Trump administration accountable? We're hiring for a number of positions:

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  20. 6. Nov.

    We are. And it's transcripts, plural. Multiple witnesses saying the same thing.

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