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As the U.S.-supported war in Yemen rages on, . Hit the link to donate to provide medical support the people on the frontlines👇

United States
Joined March 2009


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  1. Retweeted

    . members have already made 55,000+ calls this month demanding an end to w/o rewarding Trump's racist, wasteful Wall. 80% were from voters in 7 states w/key GOP sens. And every day this hostage situation continues, grassroots intensity is increasing.

  2. 2 hours ago

    Trump's jail for immigrant children in Tornillo, Texas, is being torn down! Thank you to everyone who marched, attended rallies, made calls, and signed petitions demanding an end to this horrific facility. Keep up the fight!

  3. 4 hours ago
  4. 5 hours ago
  5. Retweeted
    5 hours ago

    Love clean air and water? Speak out now to !

  6. Retweeted
  7. Retweeted
    5 hours ago

    “And there are times when you must take a stand that is neither safe nor politic nor popular, but you must do it because it is right.” — MLK, Atlanta 1967

  8. Retweeted
    Jan 20

    Watch: MSNBC Panel Completely Loses It Over Trump Comparing Himself To Abraham Lincoln

  9. 6 hours ago

    "Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. courageously spoke out about the Vietnam War. We must do the same when it comes to this grave injustice of our time.” - Michelle Alexander via

  10. 7 hours ago

    We cannot fight racism, economic exploitation, and militarism in silos. They're all one fight, the fight for justice. h/t

  11. 7 hours ago
  12. Retweeted
    21 hours ago

    The world's 26 richest people own the same wealth as the poorest half of humanity, says, urging governments to hike taxes on the wealthy to fight soaring inequality

  13. 7 hours ago

    poll shows will lose voters in #2020 for supporting ’s & racist wall. More: cc: , ,

  14. Retweeted

    Trump: "I am proud to shut down the government..." He's "proud" of the pain he's causing hard-working families who cannot make ends meet.

  15. 8 hours ago

    "Because the president has threatened to let shutdown continue for years, he cannot be trusted to exercise restraint. The wall he wants to build has been critiqued by think tanks in so many ways that it is embarrassing to see the president initiate this action." - Stephen, GA

  16. 9 hours ago

    We continue to fight for this man's dream.

  17. Retweeted

    “[The] incident involving students from Covington Catholic is harassment, but unfortunately not surprising. The racist rhetoric coming from our politicians normalizes hate across the country & in our classrooms.” —SPLC’s Maureen Costello,

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  18. 22 hours ago

    ., come get your Kentucky mini-MAGA loving racists.

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  19. 22 hours ago

    “Wait. You have access to clean drinking water?” - Flint, Michigan.

  20. 22 hours ago

    Y’all. We have to stop the next generation from being as wretched as the .


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