Dev Platform Feedback

Documentation Provide feedback, suggest enhancements, or report issues specific to the Twitter Developers documentation website, <a href=""></a>. Roadmap Discussion and feedback around the <a href="" rel="nofollow noopener">Twitter API platform roadmap</a>. Rules and Policies Questions and conversations about Twitter’s <a href="">rules and policies for developers</a> using the platform and APIs.
About the Dev Platform Feedback category [Dev Platform Feedback] (1)
Checking if my bot will be suspended [Rules and Policies] (1)
Why my app is flagged for violating? [Rules and Policies] (3)
Request to update the twitter-text library [Rules and Policies] (1)
The phone number you're trying to use is already associated with another Twitter account [Rules and Policies] (9)
API application prohibited from action to write [Rules and Policies] (6)
3rd-party applications which perform automatic likes [Rules and Policies] (1)
Recovering app from lost account [Rules and Policies] (12)
Error 226 (This message looks automated) and daily limit of 1000 dm [Rules and Policies] (6)
Transferring the ownership [Rules and Policies] (14)
Closed captioning on live video? [Roadmap] (3)
Age restriction causing locked account [Documentation] (3)
Can someone help me? [Rules and Policies] (3)
Suspended Account [Rules and Policies] (3)
Tweet id in csv file doesn't parse correctly [Documentation] (2)
Missing end of sentence? [Documentation] (2)
Change documentation link for python-twitter [Documentation] (1)
Creating App Error: UseCase can't include invisible unicode characters [Rules and Policies] (3)
Getting a Warning: this link may be unsafe tweeting my URL [Rules and Policies] (4)
Application Suspended - How To See Why? [Rules and Policies] (1)
What constitutes a "use case"? [Rules and Policies] (1)
Can an app be suspended due to a particular user [Rules and Policies] (1)
What is the maximum number of tweets per hour? [Rules and Policies] (2)
Doc bug: missing example in Streaming API [Documentation] (1)
Plans to add a Muted Keyword API? [Roadmap] (2)
Sandbox Reset [Rules and Policies] (5)
Update the new Application Icon but it doesn't reflect immediately [Rules and Policies] (2)
Polling Support? [Roadmap] (3)
Retrieving OG / card data [Roadmap] (2)
Rate limit of GET account_activity/webhooks/:webhook_id/subscriptions/all/list wrong [Documentation] (3)