
I’m taking the same path here as the one laid out in Accessing App / Retrieving App account, as we have the same issue. That is, we’ve lost access to our app because we’ve lost access to the account containing the app, in our case because an employee whose role it was to maintain that info left our company without passing it on.

We’d like to request that the app be transferred to the account @LumentusSocial (which is where it should have been created in the first place).

As did the user in the above-referenced post, I’ve already submitted a “platform support” ticket describing the issue, including the sensitive token/secret bits. And as did the user in the above-referenced post, I’ve already gotten back the canned response, “Thanks for reaching out. This helpdesk is for policy inquiries from developers building on the Twitter Platform. For all other requests…”

At this point in the other user’s story, a forum moderator stepped in and “worked some magic behind the scenes,” and the app transfer was accomplished. Would someone mind please working the same magic for us? (Otherwise, kindly let me know what else is needed to move this forward.)

Many thanks!


Hello, again.

It’s been eleven days since I first posted, and no response. Just wondering if there’s any problem, or if the information I provided was insufficient, or if there is a more appropriate venue for this request. Any information at all would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you!


Which app are you trying to transfer over to @LumentusSocial? If you have the app ID (located within the URL of the app) that would be ideal. If not, we can track down the app using your consumer key, which you can direct message to me.

Hi, Dan, and thank you for the response.

I believe what you call consumer_key, we call app_token (as part of an app_token/app_secret pair). That being the case, the consumer_key is 8eR5yR2hBcjo6YVKEa2tuA. If you need the secret, too, I can provide that over a secure channel. (FYI, I submitted both the key and secret via https://support.twitter.com/forms/platform when I first posted, if that helps.)

Again, thank you, and let me know if there’s anything else you need.

Best regards!


(Approaching 14 days.) Bump.

I have the same issue. Contacting the support did not help. They wanted the account holder to verify ownership.
Our former developer passed away and we do not have access to the account. Asking a dead person verify the request makes no sense. Please help! @LeBraat @TwitterDev

Any update? @trlorenz did they fix this for you?

@richardlu Nope, not yet. @LeBraat gave me some hope for a sec with his reply, but never heard anything else. We’re making do with a new app for users going forward, but we’ve got a big disgusting hack in place for dealing with the old one, UX-wise. Would be nice to be rid of it.

Why there’s no response here? I see other threads are getting responses @LeBraat @andypiper @TwitterDev

We are unable to assist with requests like this via these forums.

The only way to get assistance is to use the API Policy Support form.

  • If you are the current owner, you should use the “I need to transfer an API key to another account” option
  • If you are not the current owner, use the “I have an API policy question not covered by these points” option and describe the case in question.
    • if you are able to provide clear verifying information regarding why the application should be transferred / our team is able to confirm that your brand or company should own the app, they will do so.
    • if there is no way to verify identity or the validity of ownership, then unfortunately you will need to create a new app and generate new app keys. Note that in the case of company accounts, we always recommend that the app be associated with an account and email address that the company will have access to, in case of a developer moving on. It is not always possible to contact the original developer or owner otherwise.

When dealing with the API Policy team, you should also ensure that the email address associated with your Twitter account is valid; check your spam filters in case any responses are hidden; and read, and appropriately reply to, any emailed requests for further information.

We apologise for the inconvenience and frustration.

@andypiper thanks for responding.
I have tried your suggested approach, but no avail.

The former developer passed away and we can’t verify the transfer ownership via his email.
The application has our domain as the bundleId, and I tried to use it to verify the brand.
I also provided the support with the API keys for the application.

This is their response:

Thanks for reaching out. We can transfer ownership of the application to another account for you. For security reasons, we require you to confirm that you have access to the account which registered this application.

To confirm, please respond to this message from that email address or file a new ticket from the account which currently owns this app.

Unfortunately we cannot confirm ownership of this application with the information provided.

That seems like a clear response. In this case the only recourse would be to create a new application. We are unable to assist further via these forums. This is a policy issue.

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