
I have noticed that I reached my limits on the Sandbox environments last month. I thought they would reset at the beginning of this month? Please advise.

Thanks and regards,


Hello @phuthi_7,

Your usage will reset on the same day of the month that you were approved for your developer account, not on the first of the month.

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Oh ok, thanks. Would you have details of when I was given the access. It is not too clear from Emily (Twitter Staff) when it is exactly I was given access. Her response to me when I was asking for access is that “it appears you have access to the environment env-beta”.

Thanks and regards,


I don’t have access to this information, but you should have received an email to the account that you applied for access with on the day that you are approved. I recommend checking through your history for this.

Ok I found the email and I have copied its contents and pasted below. Today is 1 day after the anniversary however it has not yet been reset.

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