4 emerging video formats that drive performance on Twitter

Social Native

By Social Native

July 25, 2018

From time to time, we invite industry influencers to write a guest post on our blog. We turned to our friends from @socialnative to share their insight on emerging video trends.

Video is no longer the future of digital marketing — it’s the present. With over 1.2 billion total video views per day on Twitter, there is no denying video’s unique power to bring brands to life by combining visuals, sound, and motion.* 

With video becoming the go-to medium for capturing attention and driving engagements, brands can't afford to ignore the importance of incorporating it into their Twitter marketing strategies. But this doesn’t mean that you have to create highly-produced, glossy, lengthy videos — short, authentic, user-generated videos can be equally compelling.

Here are four emerging formats that we’re using at Social Native to help brands add motion to their Tweets and Twitter Ads:


Energetic one-shot videos that repeat a motion on a loop.

These videos feature creators demonstrating products and creating recipes.

Stop motion
An animation technique where objects are moved in small increments between photographed frames, creating the illusion of movement when played.


Short-form, narrative video
A video form that tells a story or conveys a message in 15 seconds or less.

#ProTip: When your brand is creating video content it’s important to keep the mobile experience in mind. Your videos should tell a concise story, with the message clear in the first few seconds. 93% percent of videos on Twitter are viewed on mobile devices so it's important to create a message that works without sound.* Make your branding prominent by including your logo within the first few seconds of the video, and continue to showcase it throughout the spot.

Looking to create
 compelling video content for your brand? At Social Native, we connect brands directly to their consumers to create videos that are cost-effective and proven to perform.

*Internal Twitter data

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