A journalist's 12 tips to writing content

Andrew Brookes

By Andrew Brookes

April 02, 2018

Have writer's block? Andrew Brookes, the deputy content editor at UK digital marketing agency @ZazzleMedia, shares his tips to get out of a writing rut.

Good writing isn’t easy, nor should it be. The fact that every man and his dog thinks he can write these days only serves to make the role of writers more important — with a real need for people to write quality content that stands out from the mediocre morass.

However, even the best writers get writer’s block and it’s easy to get stuck in a rut. In that spirit, here are twelve things I learned as a journalist that I’ve taken into marketing. Hopefully, they can aid you in your quest to fine-tune your writing.

Read widely: The more you read, the better a writer you become. Look at your competitors – but also become a voracious reader of blogs, websites, newspapers, magazines, and books. Good writers ‘magpie’ ideas from a variety of sources.  

Keep it simple: Journalists are encouraged to consider whether their parents or grandparents would understand their copy, stripping away unnecessary jargon and explaining terminology. Always consider if your audience would understand what you’ve written and use short, sharp sentences without too many clauses to avoid confusion.

Be active: Think of the loose formula ‘subject, verb, object’. So, ‘Andrew wrote a rant for The Drum’ is probably better than ‘The rant came in an article written by Andrew’. Don’t be constrained by this rule but keep it in mind to write punchy content. 

Bullet point lists: Google loves a bullet point list – and so does your reader. Use them to make your content digestible.

Use a thesaurus: Avoid using the same word more than once in a sentence. A thesaurus is your friend. 

Become self-reflective: Read back over posts you’ve written, preferably after a week or more has passed. Learn to critique your content and see what has and hasn’t worked. 

Write for pleasure: Writers who keep their love for their craft will give you that little bit extra. Write a blog about your personal passion in your free time and the process of writing will never become a chore. 

Listen to others: Good writers observe the world around them and channel their observations through the written word. Listening carefully to others will especially help if you write for an audience you aren’t part of.

Don’t be too precious: People will disagree with you as a writer. They’ll often fuss about one or two words. You need a thick skin. Don’t be upset by the one word you were forced to change, be proud of the hundreds of others that are published. 

Challenge your brief: If you’re writing something and it feels wrong, it probably is. If you’re bored or confused by what you’re writing, then you can expect your reader to feel the same. Be prepared to question what’s in your brief.

Write it how you’d say it: Are you stuck? Think about what you would say if you were to explain this verbally. Maybe write this out and then turn those words into something that’s more appropriate in a written form. 

Talk to other writers: A good team spirit and open dialogue between writers is important. Writers can help each other through difficulties by suggesting possible solutions or maybe offering links to articles they’ve read or written for inspiration.

Additional reading:

This article was written by Andrew Brookes from The Drum and was legally licensed through theNewsCred publisher network. Please direct all licensing questions to legal@newscred.com.

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