What to Tweet about this fall

Joe Wadlington

By Joe Wadlington

November 14, 2016

Because fall is dotted with big commerce periods (Black Friday, Small Business Saturday, Cyber Monday, etc.) it's easy to autumn-theme your marketing and have it feel natural to your audience. We've highlighted all the big events of the holiday season. But what specifically do you Tweet about to join the conversation?

You know your business and customers better than anyone else. Here are some ideas for popular focal points:

Seasonal decor

Fall is a beautiful season with a small palette of bold colors. If you don't want to cover your profile in gourds, pumpkins, and leaf photos, consider jewel tones: ruby red, jade, plum, orange, and golden yellow. Seek out these colors in your photos or add them in with emojis and Twitter stickers. Doing this intentionally over the next three months adds a level of festivity and consistency to your content.

Shoe company @tieks captures the colors of fall by featuring a festive photo with foliage and some emoji flare.

The chill in the air

Don't you love that first crisp morning, when summer's heat finally turns to chill? People Tweet about their own rituals around seasonality. They switch from iced coffee to warm cider, mourn shorts and tank tops, rejoice in sweater weather, and get very excited about pumpkin/apple/cinnamon flavoring. Do you have products that help people organize, stay warm, or better enjoy the outdoors? Highlight them! 

The days get shorter, the frost moves in, and people start focusing on blankets and their Netflix queues. Do you sell something that makes people's homes brighter, more comfortable, or efficient? Now's your time to showcase that. Tweet about the weather with words like "crisp", "chill", and "cozy". Put a scarf around your logo or just photograph some latte art.

Restaurant @CavaGrill shares some cozy recipes.


Because so many crops produce in late summer/early fall, a lot of areas mark fall with harvest festivals. Your followers will be talking about corn mazes, pumpkin patches, apple picking, and hay rides. Join the conversation by sharing homesteading tips. Represent this trend visually with pictures of scarecrows, burlap, hay bales, corn mazes, pumpkins, apples or just let your fall branding be a bit more rustic than other seasons. Tweet pictures of an employees enjoying a farmer's market or fresh fall produce.

Thanksgiving food

Turkey, stuffing, cranberry sauce, pumpkin pie, green bean casserole — you get the idea. Thanksgiving has a more specific (and extensive) menu than any other American holiday. Most of the day is spent waiting for the big meal, so people have a lot of appetite for content about meal planning, food prepping, table setting, the cooking progress, and, finally, sitting down to eat. Queue Tweets of you gushing about your favorite sides or Tweet pictures of a beautifully set table. Make a video of or Periscope your turkey cooking. Or share your favorite nap playlist, once the meal is over and your followers have loosened their pant's top button. 

Thanksgiving tradition

The holiday has been celebrated for more than 150 years in the US. Each year, the President pardons a turkey. There's the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade, big football games, and the National Dog Show. In many ways, Thanksgiving is the most predictable day of the year — which makes it easy to plan marketing around. 

Run a poll asking people what their favorite tradition is or if they have a personal one. Tweet reminders: "Don't forget to start thawing the turkey now if you want dinner to be on time tomorrow." "Saving you a Google: The game starts at 11am ET."

The biggest tradition, of course, is giving thanks. Express gratitude to your customers, other companies you work with, shops on your block, or the incredible employees that keep your business running. Share your excitement about the good things that have come your way this year, and encourage your followers to do the same.

Have a happy fall and try out these tips by creating Twitter Ads of your own. Create a campaign today.

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