Patrick NessKonto zweryfikowane


NYT-bestselling author of 9 books. Creator of Dr Who spinoff Class. Runner of marathons. Part-Norwegian. Tall. Pale. Not undead.

Dołączył grudzień 2010

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  1. Someone called Prince Zylinski got 13,057 votes for London mayor. There are hidden worlds within worlds. Like people who buy Rush albums.

  2. Can you imagine a Sturgeon/Davidson PMQs? Actual issues might get talked about. Embarrassment of riches, Scotland, as ever.

  3. So the clearest winners of the day were two extremely dynamic and approachable Scottish women. Why was Goldsmith even on my ballot?

  4. Congrats to my sister-in-law Kerri! Who today became *Dr* Cunningham.

  5. And we did it in the face of a repugnant, racist campaign by who, I hope, is forever tarnished.

  6. The world's greatest, most international city now has a Muslim human rights lawyer as its Mayor. Feeling quite proud.

  7. As political manifestos go, "We hung in there" isn't exactly "Yes, we can".

  8. Whatever the final tally, May 6, 2016 will still always be the day Boris Johnson is no longer Mayor of London.

  9. Italian Monsters of Men! La Guerra...

  10. If you now have a AM, write to them only in Welsh. Especially Neil Hamilton.

  11. Okay, this has been fun, but blocking now to get on with work. All the stuff I write & I get trolled by a Neil Hamilton supporter. Life, eh?

  12. It's become dada-esque. Can't say I ever ate whale penis in Seattle but you know they DO smoke a lot of pot there...

  13. What a coincidence! I used to have a checking account at Bank of America!

  14. Here's a tissue for your tears, bud. I know it hurts. Xx

  15. It must burn SO MUCH that I'm writing for Doctor Who, huh?

  16. I mean, come on, Wales, you elected NEIL HAMILTON. Even by UKIP standards, his skull is empty. Like maybe half a moth wing in there.

  17. "I'm so sick of my freedom!" - modern voters, apparently.

  18. UKIP, the party that wants everyone to speak English, gets seats in Wales. Wales. Trump isn't the only way a populace can lose its mind.

  19. What we learned this week: Bitcoin was invented by Becky with the good hair.

  20. In other news, the man behind me on the train who has NOT turned off the tappy-text sound on his phone has just toxically farted.

  21. A Monster Calls was on the Today Show this morning as a "Book to Blockbuster Film"! They were nice! And said my name! On the Today Show!

  22. The paperback of The Rest of Us Just Live Here is out in the UK today and it's the most beautiful day of the year! Coincidence?!?! Yes.

  23. Is that summer in your pocket, London, or are you just happy to see me?

  24. So in Fine Time, is that little voice saying "The baddest oscillator" or "The best is the lettuce"?

  25. WHY CAN'T I READ ALL THE BOOKS?!?!?! *cries*

  26. There's this, if you're interested! I'm probably ineligible.

  27. Previous photo (but not colourful description) via

  28. A "Young Readers" ed. of The Martian w/ "explicit language" removed is the dumbest fuckin' thing I've heard all day.

  29. is amazing. 5 of my 7 nieces & nephews have a black parent, my sister-in-law is Filipina. That's what America looks like!

  30. Back to writing but not before saying, once time, Thank the Gods of Twitter (who I like to picture as Angela Bassett) for the mute button.

  31. Some musical apparently about Alexander Hamilton of all people has got a lot of Tony nominations today. Anyone heard of it?

  32. And after years of avoiding them because I thought they'd taste just as crappy as regular Oreos, I tried a Golden Oreo. Life. Changing.

  33. Shook Benedict Cumberbatch's hand today. As you do.

  34. I'm not kidding, by the way. Every real writer I've ever met just sat down and wrote the fucking thing. You're free. Don't give that up.

  35. *smiles over the things you think you know* *whistles innocently*

  36. Michael McIntyre's Big Show. Like Saturday Night Takeaway if it was hosted by a charmless bully.

  37. These Pointless Celebrities are really quite poignant. "You were huge! Now you're presenting a local radio show. Welcome!"

  38. Write a lot, read a lot, rewrite a lot, write again. That's how every goddamn book worth reading ever got published. That's the whole secret

  39. No book of writing advice is going to get your book written. You're wasting your money.

  40. Writers talk about writing way too much. If accountants did it, we'd have passed a law.

  41. Sending off my postal ballot for the London elections. Please vote. Please.

  42. When Legolas sees the crows and shouts "It's crebain from Dunland!", are we supposed to know wtf that means?

  43. *quietly picks up a slice of last night's pizza* Oh.

  44. We're super excited to have signed copies of newest paperback "The Rest of Us Just Live Here"!

  45. We've got some amazing signed copies of 'The Rest Of Us Just Live Here' by the wonderful ! Huzzah!!

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