TOTW: Legibility

  • Posted on: 19 February 2018
  • By: thecollective

One of the major problems that anarchists wrestle with is what James C. Scott terms “legibility” - that is, “the state's arrange the population in ways that simplif[y] the classic state functions of taxation, conscription, and prevention of rebellion”. For Scott, this attempt at simplification includes large-scale centrally planned projects like relocating peasants and developing the streets of Paris to prevent rioting as well as standardized measurements and the encouragement of crop systems that lend themselves more easily to being taxed.

Basel, Switzerland: Sabotage against some profiteers of the prison system

  • Posted on: 23 February 2018
  • By: thecollective

Such an existent requires taking things in one’s own hands and trying not to deprive oneself of acting on reality, even if it is only a knife, a sharp object aimed at a tyre. A fast process, almost silent and easy to perform. It is important to try not to remain indifferent and become isolated in the face of all this misery. And it’s easier to be more than one, to come together, organize in coordinated groups and attack.

Banner in solidarity with anarchists persecuted by “Op. Érebo” in brazil

  • Posted on: 23 February 2018
  • By: thecollective

We hang a banner in solidarity with the persecuted anarchists in Porto Alegre. For all those who are fighting against the storms of loneliness and the inclemency of uncertainty. For all those whose life was /is being disturbed by this repressive wave and that have not lowered neither arms nor head!

For all those who face the difficulties waking up each morning with the conviction of having crossed the point of no return. The powerful can never stop us!

Countering Black Metal Bullshit in Olympia

  • Posted on: 22 February 2018
  • By: thecollective

From Puget Sound Anarchists

For those unaware black metal has always had a neo-Nazi problem. Extreme music attracted people with an affinity for extreme politics. It being infused with macho bullshit and with the boom of neo-Nazi music outside of Oi around 90s black metal and other dark esoteric scenes became a hot bed for esoteric neo-Nazi activity. With neo-Nazis being forced out of the punk scene they retreated into noise, goth, martial industrial, neo-folk, and black metal scenes. Often the main differences between black metal and other genres like grindcore have to do with instrumentation in a small part, but largely have to do with aesthetics and themes. Another appeal of Nazi imagery is the dangerous aesthetic and since the Nazi project and other fascist projects have been in part the aestheticization of politics it only makes sense that where the aesthetic lives so does the ideology.

Reframing The Question Of Gun Control In The Context Of A School Shooting

  • Posted on: 22 February 2018
  • By: thecollective

I'm not writing this to outline specific steps you should take next, but instead to reframe the discussion that we have after every school shooting to something more real and directed at mass-murderers as a phenomenon. I want to start by summing up the two official American political party positions on mass-murder and school shootings so that I can then compare them to an anarchist's position on the same thing.


What might an anarchist language look like? I created one, inspired by Ursula le Guin

  • Posted on: 22 February 2018
  • By: thecollective

From The Conversation

The Dispossessed is set on two human worlds: the planet Urras, which resembles 1970s Earth; and Anarres, the moon of Urras, home to a unified anarchist collective. Anarres was settled from Urras by people seeking a better, fairer life, and the resulting collective has been largely isolated from Urran cultures for about 150 years.

Greece: Anarchist Prisoner of War Konstantinos Yiagtzoglou Begins Hunger Strike

  • Posted on: 22 February 2018
  • By: thecollective

Today, 21.02.18, anarchist prisoner Konstantinos Yiagtzoglou commenced a hunger strike to demand his transfer from the prisons of Larissa to the prisons of Korydallos following the rejection of his request by the Central Committee for Transfers. He is currently in Korydallos Prison, where he was sent yesterday for an ongoing court case. A text from the comrade will follow in the coming days.

Announcing Resistance is Fertile 2018!

  • Posted on: 22 February 2018
  • By: thecollective

Over the past year, there has been something of a resurgence in anarchist activity in Ottawa, a vibrant community has begun to form, and it feels like the conditions are right for rapid growth in the radical milieu of our city. That is why we say: Resistance is Fertile!

Most visibly, for the first time since the shuttering of Exile Infoshop over 7 years ago, Ottawa now has a anarchist social centre that is not also a punk house. This social centre, known as the Garden Spot (or G-Spot for short) is near Carleton University, and is already serving to bring together radical & leftist students from Carleton, the University of Ottawa, high schools, and the broader community. To build on the current momentum, we decided to hold a series of events of interest to comrades and newcomers alike.

The Hotwire #19: February 21, 2018

  • Posted on: 22 February 2018
  • By: thecollective

From CrimethInc.

This episode is packed to the gills with news! There is antifa activity in Tennessee and folks in the Northwest continue to hold it down against the fascist creep. Solidarity for Afrin spreads and an inspiring model to fight ICE raids emerges out of Koreatown, Los Angeles. We offer some analysis about the school shooting in Parkland, FL and interview both an anarchist attending the student led rallies there and an anarchist author who’s written about gun control. There is a short update on the repression Florida prisoners are enduring due to Operation Push. Walter Bond is in need of support and we have some good news about accused confederate statue topplers in Durham, NC. To wrap things up, there are loads of upcoming events, so stay tuned until the end!

February's issue of Friendly Fire!

  • Posted on: 21 February 2018
  • By: thecollective

who are we?

the Friendly Fire Collective is a loose network of anti-fascist, anti-imperialist, anti-capitalist Christians. drawing from Marxist and anarchist political traditions, and grounded in the biblical vision of God’s Kin-dom, we believe we are called to create a new world in the ashes of the old.
