
Anarchy Radio 03-06-2018

  • Posted on: 6 March 2018
  • By: Anonymous (not verified)

LISTEN HERE: http://archive.org/details/AnarchyRadio03062018

GUNS! DGR at E-Law; Trans hater Jensen at Eugene Public Library. Failed academic and bad writer David Graeber fails with new effort. The usual eco-horrors of the week (e.g. extinction, pollution news). Digitally interact with the dead. UK kids increasingly unable to hold pens + pencils due to tech use. "Will 2018 Be the Year of the Neo-Luddites?" Action news.

The Hotwire #20: February 28, 2018

  • Posted on: 1 March 2018
  • By: thecollective

From CrimethInc.
West Virginia teachers strike—Student walkouts everywhere—Youth liberation NOW!

While students walk out of classes all over the country (and occasionally fight cops) we make the pitch for an anarchist youth liberation movement. In wild, wonderful, and apparently rebellious West Virginia, striking school employees have shut down every public school in the state, while treesitters are putting up resistance to the Mountain Valley Pipeline. We also share calls to support political prisoner Joy Powell, as well as a fundraising drive for a radical café in Istanbul. Listen until the end for announcements of three different speaking tours in March: one about anarchist responses to natural disasters, one about the anarchist critique of democracy, and one all about the J20 case and why the remaining 59 defendants deserve your utmost support.

Revolutionary Organizing: Black Rose Interview with Revolutionary Left Radio

  • Posted on: 28 February 2018
  • By: thecollective

Revolutionary Left Radio is a top source for discussion of radical left politics and ideas and is unique in hosting guests from a range of political ideologies and organizations that you won’t hear anywhere else. We were humbled to be featured on their most recent episode, “Revolutionary Organizing,” discussing our ideas on revolutionary political organization, relationships to social movements, state power, feminism and more.

Anarchy Radio 02-27-2018

  • Posted on: 27 February 2018
  • By: Anonymous (not verified)

LISTEN HERE: http://archive.org/details/AnarchyRadio02272018

Cliff co-hosts. FRR's send-up of Anarchy Radio. "What's Up With Derrick Jensen?"
Hunter-gatherer story-telling. 32* at the North Pole - 50 degrees above normal.
"Tech Eyes the Ultimate Start-Up: An Entire City." Alexa everywhere, action briefs,
crypto-currencies NOT de-centralized.

An Anarchist Explains How Hackers Could Cause Global Chaos

  • Posted on: 27 February 2018
  • By: thecollective

From all tech considered: NPR

Artists and criminals are often the first to push the boundaries of technology. Barrett Brown is a criminal who has actually helped inspire art — the TV show Mr. Robot. Its protagonist is a hacktivist — a hacker who breaks into computer systems to promote a cause.

Brown was connected to Anonymous, a group that hacked a private security firm to reveal secrets. He is now out and living in a halfway house in Dallas.

One year of the Anews podcast – episode 52

  • Posted on: 25 February 2018
  • By: thecollective


This week marks one year of our anarchistnews.org podcasts start. We call it the Anews podcast and we review what has occurred in the last week in the wide world of anarchism, as reported by anarchistnews.org. Every week features a review of the news, an editorial on topical matter, and a lengthy discussion of our weekly Topic of the Week where we attempt to engage each other with hard questions relevant to our time.

The Hotwire #19: February 21, 2018

  • Posted on: 22 February 2018
  • By: thecollective

From CrimethInc.

This episode is packed to the gills with news! There is antifa activity in Tennessee and folks in the Northwest continue to hold it down against the fascist creep. Solidarity for Afrin spreads and an inspiring model to fight ICE raids emerges out of Koreatown, Los Angeles. We offer some analysis about the school shooting in Parkland, FL and interview both an anarchist attending the student led rallies there and an anarchist author who’s written about gun control. There is a short update on the repression Florida prisoners are enduring due to Operation Push. Walter Bond is in need of support and we have some good news about accused confederate statue topplers in Durham, NC. To wrap things up, there are loads of upcoming events, so stay tuned until the end!

A Surrounding For Us to Live Within – AudioZine

  • Posted on: 21 February 2018
  • By: thecollective

From Resonance Audio Distro

A Surrounding for Us to Live Within came out of the Italian anarchist scene in 2003, is signed by “a friend of Ludd,” and sets out to “bring to light some relationships between the progressive loss of individual and social autonomy, environmental devastation and the sharpening of repression.” This very brief and unexpectedly gorgeous, succinct, and intelligent text starts off from one child’s definition of the environment and touches on everything from the mass hermitude of contemporary city-dwellers to the artful mixing of the pleasures of solitude with the pleasures of meeting, from meditations on the interplay between forest and village to a critique of representation, from the domination of technology to the war in Iraq, nuclear waste, the COP9 summit, the solidarity with Marco Camenisch, globalization, the state’s ecology, the wildcat strike of Milanese streetcar drivers, the struggle against prisons, the Luddite uprising, utopianism, the oil economy.
