The Unique and Its Property – Wolfi Landstreicher's Long Awaited Translation of Max Stirner's Masterpiece Finally Available

  • Posted on: 1 June 2017
  • By: Anonymous (not verified)
The Unique and Its Property

In the first new English-language translation since 1907, egoist anarchist author and historian Wolfi Landstreicher has brought forward both the form and the intent of Stirner’s work. Where Byington downplayed or missed Stirner’s more biting criticisms and his humor, this new edition delivers every “occasional crudity” and all the “playful ferocity” found in the original German.

ATUBES: May 2017, Digest of the Anarchist Tubes

  • Posted on: 31 May 2017
  • By: thecollective

Welcome to volume 3, issue #6 of ATUBES. This month we're back to the grind, after taking the month of April off. For the most part, we intend this side project of @news to be a monthly occurrence in dialogue, documenting the articles and commentary shared over the past month on the site. Our hope is for readers to be able to print a hard copy to share with your friends, loved ones, and strangers IRL AFK[1]. Occasionally, we will have special editions - like the last April issue featuring only comments - and sometimes we will try and change up the mix of things. This month, we're going with a different layout and design and included more articles with only one lonely comment.

The Deportation Machine Case : Trial date set for four comrades on June 23 2017 in Paris

  • Posted on: 31 May 2017
  • By: Anonymous (not verified)

After seven and a half years of pre-trial hearings and thousands of pages of disclosure, after fifteen people had their homes searched, were arrested, followed, eavesdropped on, filmed, interrogated, incarcerated, placed on house arrest, and kept under various bail conditions for seven years, the state and the justice system will finally take only four people to trial on June 23 2017 in Paris.

Call for Submissions - Fifth Estate Issue 399

  • Posted on: 31 May 2017
  • By: thecollective

From Fifth Estate

Globalize Solidarity—Mutual Aid against planetary domination

Submission deadline: July 1, 2017

Things can’t get worse? We at the Fifth Estate have been wondering and warning for decades.

Whether you have been with us through these hard times or are just connecting with us in the time of Trumpist danger, we want your suggestions for finding anarchist, counter-authoritarian ways out of our social, political and environmental predicaments.

Anarchy Radio 05-30-2017

  • Posted on: 30 May 2017
  • By: Anonymous (not verified)

Listen Here:

"Nihilist" attack on Portland light-rail, two dead. Ads of the week. Everything is online -
and often failing, paralyzing major services. OD's under-reported, mass shootings con-
tinue. Birds, sea life steadily poisoned. Second Livestock, latest GMO madness, robot-
ics for babies. Paul Kingsnorth: "Most of us don't want to change much."(!) Kathan, Cliff,
Ian next week (June 6). International action reports, two calls.


Hueyapan unanimously decides to settle as an Indigenous Municipality; "We are closer to autonomy"

  • Posted on: 30 May 2017
  • By: Anonymous (not verified)

By: Demián Revart ; Ruptura Colectiva (RC)

