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Facebook Messenger Ads

Messenger ads

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Extend your ads to 1.3 billion1 people

People frequently interact with businesses on Messenger—over 2 billion messages are exchanged between people and businesses every month.2 Messenger ads are a new way to connect with current and future customers in this space, using powerful targeting from Facebook.

How does advertising on Messenger work?

The easiest way to take advantage of Messenger's global reach is to run ads in the home screen of the Messenger app. Adding Messenger as a placement to your campaigns can help you achieve results across Facebook’s apps and services.

Messenger ads work just like ads across other Facebook platforms—we'll automatically deliver ads to the placement that's most likely to drive campaign results at the lowest possible cost. The best part? You can use the same creative for Messenger that you're already using for Facebook and Instagram.

People will see Messenger ads in the home screen of their Messenger mobile app. When they tap on an ad, they'll be sent to the destination you chose during ads creation—whether that's your site, app, or a conversation with your business on Messenger.

Example of a Messenger ad on the Messenger app, using the same creative than a Facebook ad

Get better value from your campaign

Automatic placements is the easiest way to include Messenger ads in your campaigns. This means Messenger will be selected as an option for all supported objectives, which allows Facebook’s ad auction to optimize delivery for the best placement—making your campaign results as efficient as possible.

Messenger ads have been a powerful addition to our digital advertising campaigns, helping us reach our customers where they're already active and engaged. And thanks to placement optimization across Facebook, Instagram, Audience Network and now Messenger, we’re able to continue to optimize our advertising spend and further drive business results.

Michiel Tops, General Manager

David Jones, an Australian department store

What else can Messenger do? Here's a sample.

Allow to open a new Messenger chat using Click-to-Messenger Ads

Open new conversations

Click-to-Messenger ads let people initiate communications with your business.

Manage conversations with Messenger Platform

Manage current conversations

Get a high-level view of your ongoing conversations in the Messenger Platform.

Use Sponsored Messages for restarting existing conversations

Restart existing conversations

Haven't interacted with a customer for a while? Reach out using sponsored messages.

A family of apps and services for all the ways people and businesses connect.

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