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Facebook Ad Formats

Ad formats

Find beautiful and effective options for telling your story on Facebook, Instagram and Audience Network.

Create an Ad

How should your story be told?

Whether you want to use video, photo or text—or a combination of those elements—there’s a Facebook ad format for every story. Our ad formats put your business goal front and center, and they look great on every device and connection speed.

Facebook Photo Ads


Use beautiful images to convey your message.

Facebook Video Ads


Tell your story with sight, sound and motion.

Facebook Carousel Ads


Show multiple images or videos in a single ad.

Facebook Slideshow Ads


Create lightweight video ads to connect with people across connection speeds.

Facebook Collection Ads


Tell a story with a single ad that showcases your products.

Facebook Messenger Ads


Help people start conversations with your business.

Facebook Canvas Ads

Add a Canvas

Create a fullscreen, fast-loading experience designed for mobile, and add them to any of the ad formats above.

Ad formats for specific objectives

Facebook Lead Ads

Lead ads

Collect leads easily on mobile.

Facebook Dynamic Ads

Dynamic ads

Promote all the products in your catalog to the right people, automatically.

Facebook Link Ads

Link ads

Point people to your website to learn more.

Start telling people about your business.


Get insights about creative effectiveness

Find inspiration to break the conventional rules of storytelling.

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