The Fauna and Flora Research Collective Inc. (FFRC) is an independent volunteer not-for-profit research collective engaged primarily in surveying for and reporting on the presence of threatened species and communities within Victoria’s public forests that are subject to logging. The primary focus of our research attends to the provisions within current legislation that aim to provide some protection for some of Victoria’s most threatened flora, fauna and ecological communities.


East Gippsland’s ancient forests are being logged.
We need your support to run our legal case in the Supreme Court
… to ensure these majestic old growth forests remain safe.
Please give now.


Latest reports:
(Click to open report documents or right-click and “save as” to download)


180726 – Logging of Glossy Black Cockatoo habitat & Long-flower Beard-heath plants – Colquhoun State Forest – FFRC

180316 – Toad Track_Mount Jersey – Greater Glider Detections – FFRC_GECO

180314 – Back Swamp Creek #01 – 892-507-0020 – High Densities of Greater Gliders – FFRC_GECO


170914 – Stony Creek_Plantation Road_Toolangi State Forest – Tree Geebung and Greater Gliders – FFRC

170907 – Lawless_Logging_Report_(Summary of 27 breaches) – FOE_GECO_FFRC

170828 – Stony Creek_Plantation Road_Toolangi State Forest – Greater Glider Detections – FFRC_WOTCH

170828 – Spurwood Road_South Face Mt Baw Baw – LBP Detection Report – FFRC

170725 – Supplementary Report – Hermitage Crk_Toolangi – Hollow-bearing Trees & Greater Gliders – FFRC

170623 – Hermitage Crk_Rouch Rd_Toolangi SF – Greater Glider Detections – FFRC

170608 – Acheron Way_White Hill Track – Greater Glider, Yellow-bellied Glider & Sooty Owl Detections – FFRC

170525 – Baw Baw (South Face)_Various Locations – Greater Glider Detections – WOTCH-FFRC

170509 – High Density of Yellow-bellied Gliders – 870-501-0015_Wilson Crk_Rocky Crk Trk_Pyramid FMB – FFRC

170426 – Galaxias aequipinnis Detection-Arte River_Puggaree Rd-833-512-0019_833-512-0024_833-512-0025-FFRC

170426 – Euastacus sp. Detection-Arte River_Puggaree Rd-833-512-0019_833-512-0024_833-512-0025-FFRC

170419 – Bendoc River_High Densities of Greater Gliders_FFRC

170315 – Watershed Road – Logging of protected flora and buffers – 742-507-0004 and 742-507-0005 – AL_FFRC

170221 – Leadbeaters Possum Detection Report – 348-506-0003_blue-vein – WOTCH-FFRC

170113 – Euastacus diversus_Orbost Spiny Crayfish-Basin Ck-810-501-0006 & 810-501-0009-GECO-FFRC-WTPPA


161214 – Letter to Env. Min L. D’Ambrosio re Diamond Python_threatened species surveys at 864-501-0005

161123 – Letter to DELWP re threatened species surveys at 833-510-0011

161114 – Orbost Spiny Crayfish – Euastacus diversus_Yalmy Rd_891-513-0009-10_FFRC-GECO

161111 – Letter to DELWP re threatened species surveys at Drummer Creek and other areas_FFRC

161105 – Mount Jersey_Letter to DELWP re Large Brown Tree Frog and Rainforest_GECO-FFRC

161003 – Galaxias aequipinnis detection – Bald Mountain Track_830-508-0008 – GECO-FFRC

161003 – Undescribed Euastacus sp. detection – Bald Mountain Track_830-508-0008 – GECO-FFRC

161003 – Slender Tree-fern detection – Bald Mountain Track_830-508-0008 – GECO-FFRC

160926 – Dartmoor Track – Report on High Densities of Greater Gliders_GECO-FFRC

160808 – Cottonwood Range Road #3_Supplementary High Densities of Greater Glider Investigation Report_GECO-FFRC

160708 – Serpentine Crk RSOS_867-502-0007 – Warm Temperate Rainforest Investigation Report – AL_FFRC-GECO_55

160627 – Mt Buck-Old Bonang Rd – 827-515-0006 – Long-footed Potoroo Detection Report – GECO_FFRC

160623 – Tucker Creek-Cottonwood Range Road – High Densities of Greater Gliders – FFRC-GECO

160530 – High Density of Yellow-bellied Gliders – 830-512-0011_Metal Link Track_Kuark – FFRC_GECO

160418 – Yea-link Road – Toolangi State Forest – 297-530-0001- LBP Detection Report – FFRC_WOTCH

160411 – Email_Report – Logging of Rainforest and Rainforest Buffers b-w VicForests logging coupes 288-511-0004-06

160411 – Email_Report – Logging of Rainforest and Rainforest Buffers in VicForests logging coupe 287-508-0012

160404 – 864-505-0011 – Rainforest coinciding with Linear Reserve – Serpentine Crk RSOS

160330 – Pugaree Road_830-502-0017 – Slender Tree-fern_Warm Temperate Rainforest Breach_Update Report_FFRC-GECO

160321 – Cottonwood Range Road – High Densities of Greater Gliders – AL_FFRC-GECO_43

160318 – Letter to DELWP – Rainforest Coinciding with Linear Reserve – 832-502-0017_Puggaree Road_Cabbage Tree Creek

160315 – Pugaree Road_830-502-0017 – Warm Temperate Rainforest Breach_Letter to DELWP_FFRC-GECO

160302 – Email_Report – Logging of Rainforest and Rainforest Buffers b-w VicForests logging coupes 288-516-0006-07

160126 – Letter to SQ_THCU_DELWP – Watercourse on northern border of coupe 830-507-0023 and recent logging disturbance

160125 – Coast Range Rd (north) – High Densities of Greater Gliders – GECO-FFRC

160125 – Pikes Saddle_830-507-0023 – Detection of New Species of East Gippsland Spiny Crayfish – AL_FFRC_web

160123 – Pikes Saddle_830-507-0023 – Presence of Yellow-bellied Gliders – AL_FFRC_60

160108 – UPDATE_Additional Galaxias aequippinis detection_Kuark-837-507-0023_Letter to DELWP and VicForests_AL-FFRC_EH-GECO

160108 – Galaxias aequippinis detection_Kuark-837-507-0023_Letter to DELWP and VicForests_AL-FFRC_EH-GECO

160107 – Pikes Saddle – 830-507-0023 – Long-footed Potoroo Detection Report – AL_FFRC_75

160104 – Bungywarr Road #2_885-511-0018 – High Densities of Greater Gliders – AL_FFRC_70

160104 – Bungywarr Rd – 885-511-0018 – Long-footed Potoroo Detection Report – AL_FFRC_75


151221 – Jack’s Road (Bellman)_Warm Temperate Rainforest_Report – GECO-FFRC

151105 – Logging within RSOS_Spotlight on the Acheron Valey – Letter to the Victorian Government

150921 – Coast Range Road_886-509-0012 – High Densities of Greater Gliders – AL_FFRC-GECO_90

150831 – Tippy Gully_Ada Forest – 348-510-0002 and-or 348-510-0006 – Logging within the SPZ – AL_FFRC

150813 – CutTail-Quadra Link Road_886-504-0020 – Cool Temperate Rainforest Investigation Report – AL_FFRC_85c

150809 – Coast Range Road_886-509-0012 – Cool Temperate Mixed Forest Investigation Report – OH-AL_FFRC-GECO_90

150805 – Cyathea leichhardtiana (Prickly Tree-fern) detection report – Dinah Divide-Jack Two Track – AL_FFRC

150716 – Lastreopsis hispida et. al. detection report – Kuark_Larissa Lane – AL_FFRC_65e

150713 – Yea-link Road – Toolangi State Forest – 297-826-0002- LBP Detection Report – AL_FFRC

150710 – Kalatha Road – 298-515-0001 -Investigation Report – LBP Z1A – AL_FFRC_web

150414 – Hensleigh Crk Rd – Rainforest Logging Breach – 892-508-0006 – EH-OH_GECO-FFRC

150204 – MASKED OWL Detection UPDATED 04 02 2015


Video and audio:
Fauna and Flora Research Collective on YouTube

osc-eud-sc-yr-01Logging impacts on Cool Temperate Rainforest stand (Royston Range, Rubicon Forest)_01
