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The LNG plant at Gladstone in Queensland.

Australia falls behind Cameroon, Burkina Faso on tax

Australia is set to become the world's largest exporter of gas but its level of resource tax transparency falls behind Burkina Faso, Cameroon and Mongolia, a new global report has found, as the country forfeits billions of dollars in tax to multinational mining giants.

The S&P 500 rose 0.6 per cent to 2425.05 at 4pm in New York, bouncing back from a 0.9 per cent slide. The index advanced ...

US stocks rebound, bonds fall

US stocks rebounded from the biggest selloff since May after strong hiring data bolstered confidence in the American economy.

Healthcare employment surged by 59,100, while the professional and business services sector created 35,000 jobs.

US economy adds 222,000 jobs

US job growth surged more than expected in June, potentially bolstering the case for a third interest rate hike this year.

Murdah has changed his mind about raising cattle in Indonesia

Tree eating cows could help feed Indonesia

For years Murdah had no desire to own a cow. His father-in-law owned them and they stank. "Back then they kept them next to the house," says Murdah, a motorcycle taxi driver from the village of Genggelang in North Lombok. "You couldn't even have visitors because of the smell. It was not healthy, my family got sick, the cows died and for what?"

It was a tough night for investors of just about all stripes.

Markets Live: Investors dump shares, bonds

Shares and bonds suffer a week in the red as investors fret over the potential withdrawal of central bank stimulus, with listed property the worst hit, while miners help prop up the ASX.

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Are we set to see the next 'taper tantrum'?

In a week where traders will focus on Janet Yellen’s congressional testimony and core CPI, there are signs we could be set to see bond markets drive higher financial market volatility and equity weakness. (This video was produced in commercial partnership between Fairfax Media and IG Markets).

Activist investor Elliott has continued its campaign for a restructure of BHP.

Australia cuts export forecast after iron ore falls

Australia has revised down the value of its resources and energy export earnings in the financial year ended June by 4.6 percent, or nearly $10 billion, due largely to falling prices for iron ore, its most valuable export.

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