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Retirement village residents are happy ... probably, perhaps, maybe?

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Lesley Menzies, the former president of the Retirement Villages Residents Association in Victoria isn't kidding when she says retirement villages have been an issue since they were first created more than 20 years ago.

Besides the multibillion-dollar sector developing in a haphazard fashion and coming under different state laws and definitions, it is hard to know where it fits, says COTA's Ian Yates: "Is it a consumer law issue? Is it a real estate issue? Is it a tenancy law issue? It doesn't fit in any of those and, in fact, responsibility for monitoring that at the states is frequently shifted between different departments."

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'They will squeeze every dollar out of every resident'

Gwyneth Jones has been in a long-running battle with Aveo, but she can't move out due to the crippling fees she'd be charged.

A joint Fairfax Media investigation with the ABC has put the spotlight on the retirement village industry, particularly one of the biggest operator's Aveo. It uncovered a litany of questionable business practices at Aveo including fee gouging, safety issues and misleading marketing promises, made to some of the country's most vulnerable people.

The investigation found that many retirees don't know what they are signing until it is too late and when it comes time to exit a retirement village, due to death, illness or something else, some find they are financially trapped.

It is a problem not unique to Australia. Britain's The Telegraph wrote this past week a piece titled The Hidden Costs of Retirement Properties which outlined some similar problems facing retirees.

Multiple inquiries

Like Australia, there have been multiple inquiries, court cases and parliamentary debates.


"They attract many additional charges which you don't get with ordinary flats, such as having to pay an exit fee on resale … Another problem is that the managing agents and maintenance companies are often offshoots of the freeholder, and so there is no competitive tendering for jobs. This has led to many complaints from residents about being ridiculously overcharged," The Telegraph said.

Then there are the maintenance fees, even after you move out, and the properties can be difficult to sell and the prices can go down.

According to Yates, all providers get some complaints at different times. But in recent times, in certain states, he said there have been a significant number of increased complaints about Aveo.

There are now calls for federal government intervention. But a key issue is working out where retirement villages fit.

Yates sees retirement villages as a financial contract rather than a real estate contract, which suggests they should be regulated by the consumer watchdog (the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission) or the financial watchdog (the Australian Securities and Investments Commission) or both.

Tim Kyng, an actuary and senior lecturer at Macquarie University, who built a retirement village calculator to help people understand the true cost of living in a retirement village, views them as a complex insurance product that should be regulated by the prudential regulator the Australian Prudential Regulation Authority (APRA).

Maybe next time they might also offer a proper five-point scale... Who knows, they might get a more realistic number.

Government moving

These are the sorts of issues the federal government will need to address. The federal Aged Care Minister Ken Wyatt says he has tasked his department with collating a summary of laws governing the retirement accommodation industry.

"I know every government in Australia wants to guard against exploitation, especially of the elderly, and we want to work together with the states and territories for a fair future," he said.

What that means is yet to play out but there will be a lot of lobbying behind the scenes by the sector to squash reform.

Lesley Menzies, who moved into a Country Club retirement village in Victoria almost seven years ago, has been agitating for reform for years.

She says there is an imbalance of power between operators and residents. But she says people are frightened to speak up for fear of retribution or bullying.

"I've been told in the past 'you're not welcome in this village'. I just walk away."

She said sometimes they suffer in silence because they are afraid by speaking up it will bring down the value of their properties.

Survey questioned

She disputes the "independent industry survey" touted by Aveo and the retirement village lobby group that suggests more than 90 per cent of residents would make the same choice to live in a retirement village if they had their time over.

She isn't alone. I have received some interesting feedback from survey experts and residents. While some residents told me they are happy and described retirement villages as a lifestyle choice, many more bitterly disagreed.

The industry survey, which is almost four years old, was sent to 12,805 residents across 236 villages with a number of different operators. It attracted 5218 responses.

One expert criticised the language as too vague in the key question: "Would you make the same decision to move into this village again".

There was a five-point scale to choose from: "yes definitely", "yes probably", "yes perhaps – there have been a few concerns but I guess I'd choose this village next time", "no, not this village" and finally, "no not at all – I would not make the decision to move into a village again".

The expert was far from impressed.

"Yes, probably, perhaps?" he said, questioning the conviction of that level of endorsement.

Another expert with decades of experience also queried this key question.

He said there were two clear positive points on the scale (yes, definitely and yes, probably), two clear negative points on the scale (no, not at all and no, not this village), and then an effective "mid-point" which is not clearly positive or negative (the "yes, perhaps" answer)

He said the survey "combined 'yes, definitely', 'yes, probably' and 'yes perhaps' for a total yes of 91 per cent. For more recent residents, the figure jumped to 98 per cent".

The expert suggests there is a strong case for not including the "mid-point" and instead concluding "25 per cent would not 'definitely' or 'probably' make the same decision again".

A few other questions have been released, which have also been queried as the five-point scale has four positive points on the scale and only one negative option.

For instance, the question "to what extent are you satisfied that our expectations of this village have been met" features these potential answers: extremely satisfied, very satisfied, somewhat satisfied, slightly satisfied, not at all satisfied.

Maybe next time they might also offer a five-point scale that says "very satisfied", "fairly satisfied", "neither satisfied nor dissatisfied", "fairly dissatisfied" and "very dissatisfied" or some other variation that has two positive points on the scale, two negative points, and a neutral mid-point.

Who knows, they might get a more realistic number.