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PRRT: Australia falls behind Cameroon, Burkina Faso on resource tax transparency

Australia is set to become the world's largest exporter of gas but its level of resource tax transparency falls behind Burkina Faso, Cameroon and Mongolia, a new global report has found, as the country forfeits billions of dollars in tax to multinational mining giants. 

A Senate hearing into the Callaghan review of the petroleum resource rent tax this week heard just how murky our tax data is, with only opaque disclosures from the companies themselves giving us an indication of how much tax they pay. 

Australia is set to eclipse Qatar as the largest exporter of gas in the world by 2020 but will receive just a fraction of the revenue, $800 million compared to Qatar's $26.6 billion.

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The resource governance index found countries that receive Australian aid funding for programs aimed at improving their resource sectors outperformed Australia on revenue management. 

Australia, ranking 32nd, scored lower than Botswana, Niger and the Ivory Coast, according the report from the global Natural Resources Governance Institute. 

"Australia has a data problem," said Jessie Cato, the national co-ordinator for Publish What You Pay Australia, a tax transparency network. 

"We have poor systematic data collection, it is often private, published in a closed data format like PDF, and located across numerous agencies."


Behind Canada, Australia has the second largest number of publicly listed companies operating in the mining sector, but it has no requirement to publish tax payments or more granular levels of production and exports. 

Only eight out of approximately 800 ASX-listed companies involved in mineral exploration, including giants Rio Tinto and BHP Billiton, have voluntarily published their figures. 

Ms Cato said poor data was hampering informed discussion and policy making.

"The lack of legislation on how to monitor the financial flows domestically or abroad is frankly bizarre," she said. 

Academics say the lack of clarity is compounded by Australia's confusing gas transfer pricing methodology which allows companies to effectively undervalue the price of the gas they extract.

The Callaghan review into the petroleum tax [PRRT] acknowledged there is little transparency in how the gas transfer price method is calculated.  

Monash Business School lecturer Diane Kraal said the method was compromised because the same group of mining companies extract gas at the field's wellhead, clean the gas at the conditioning plant, pipe the gas to the liquefaction plant, and load it onto tanker ships for export.  

Dr Kraal said because of this concentration there was no real market mechanism allowing them to set their own prices before reporting revenue for taxation to the government. 

"It assumes the value of Australia's gas reserves are zero," she said. "The flaws in this method results in the Australian government losing out on millions of dollars in tax." 

While signalling the current system was still the preferred option, Treasurer Scott Morrison has acknowledged that some design elements of the PRRT are "a problem" that may pose long-term revenue risks.

The government is due to hand down its final response to the review in September.Â