Berlin/Potsdam (in German): Conference – A Comparison of AfD & FPÖ. Antisemitism – Nationalism – Gender Stereotypes

18 July 2016 / 2.45 – 9.00 PM

Wichtig – neuer Veranstaltungsort: Haus der Brandenburgisch-Preußischen Geschichte, Konferenzraum, Am Neuen Markt 9, 14467 Potsdam

Um Anmeldung wird gebeten: Anmeldung

ProgrammKonferenzMMZ_korrigiertVeranstaltet vom Moses Mendelssohn Zentrum für europäisch-jüdische Studien (MMZ, Potsdam) & dem Dokumentationsarchiv des österreichischen Widerstandes (DÖW, Wien)
in Kooperation mit: International Institute for Education and Research on Antisemitism (IIBSA, Berlin)
Gefördert von der Amadeu Antonio Stiftung & der Moses Mendelssohn Stiftung
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Berlin: Conference – The New Unease. Antisemitism in Europe today

The New Unease conference_en7 July 2016 – 2:00-7:30 PM

Flyer: The New Unease. Antisemitism in Europe today. Continue reading

Berlin: International Conference – Antisemitism in Europe

12-13 December 2015

conference antisemitism in europe

Program-Antisemitism in Europe



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New book: Günther Jikeli – European Muslim Antisemitism

European Muslim Antisemitism
Why Young Urban Males Say They Don’t Like Jews
Günther Jikeli
book cover
“A valuable work of sociological research in a highly topical area of great relevance. By embracing a de-essentializing perspective, Jikeli helps the reader to understand the phenomenon in its full scope and makes it a useful tool for policy makers, educators, religious scholars, social workers, and sociologists.” —Alejandro Baer, University of Minnesota

Antisemitism from Muslims has become a serious issue in Western Europe, although not often acknowledged as such. Looking for insights into the views and rationales of young Muslims toward Jews, Günther Jikeli and his colleagues interviewed Continue reading

Tel Aviv: Talk – Attitudes toward Jews Among Muslim Communities in France and Germany, Gunther Jikeli

Conference: Europe, Germany and Contemporary Antisemitism
March 15, 2015 at the Bnei Zion auditorium, Tel Aviv

During the last few years antisemitism is on the rise in Europe. Violent manifestations and physical assaults against Jewish citizens became commonplace. Even more significant, is the sharp rise of the public anti-Semitic discourse. It seems that it has become a ‘bon-ton’ to be anti-Semitic, sometimes camouflaged by sophisticated use of language. But, should contemporary antisemitism be considered as a ‘Jewish problem’ only? Or is it a reflection of inherent problems of today’s Europe? Continue reading

Berlin: International Conference “Before, During and After the ‘Gaza War’. Contemporary Antisemitism and Perceptions of the Holocaust in Arab Countries, Turkey, Morocco and Among ‘Muslims’ in Europe”

conferenceTuesday, 16 December 2014, 3.30 p.m.-10.30 p.m.

download program

Registration until 13 Dezember:

 Conference venue: Amadeu-Antonio-Stiftung, Linienstr. 139, 10115 Berlin

Public transport: S-Oranienburgerstraße, S+U-Friedrichstraße

Organized by: International Institute for Education and Research on Antisemitism

In Co-Operation with the Amadeu-Antonio-Foundation

Supported by Aktionswochen gegen Antisemitismus 2014

and Stiftung Erinnerung, Verantwortung und Zukunft

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Berlin: Lecture – Antisemitism in Morocco – Abdellah Benhssi and Kim Robin Stoller

IIBSA-Abdellah-Benhssi16 November 2014, 18.30-20.30

Introduction Kim Robin Stoller Co-Director, International Institute for Education and Research on Antisemitism (IIBSA Berlin)

Lecture by Abdellah Benhssi  President, Organisation DIALOGUS. Moroccan national organisation to promote tolerance and to combat discrimination, racism and antisemitism


Alte Feuerwache

Seminarraum 4

Axel-Springer-Straße 40/41, 10969 Berlin

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Resolution against Boycott and Discrimination of Israeli scholars and research institutions

Research Network 31 “Ethnic Relations, Racism and Antisemitism” of the European Sociological Association (ESA)

This resolution was passed unanimously by the Research Network board and conference participants at the mid-term meeting of the RN in Vienna, 5 September 2014.
“In view of recent calls for boycott of Israeli scholars and research institutions, Research Network 31 “Ethnic Relations, Racism and Antisemitism” of the European Sociological Association (ESA) calls on our colleagues in ESA and scholars around the world to oppose such boycotts and condemn this discriminatory practice which contributes to creating an antisemitic climate. Any such boycott violates academic freedom and discriminates against individuals and institutions on the basis of their national background.” Continue reading

Vienna Talk: Antisemitism, anti-Zionism and Holocaust Perception in Morocco. Theoretical Reflections on Islamic, (pan-)national and Ethnic Collective Identity Constructions, Kim Robin Stoller

Vienna, 4-6 September 2014

Mid-Term Conference: European Sociological Association, RN 31 Ethnic Relations, Racism and Antisemitism
Contemporary Antisemitism and Racism in the Shadow of the Holocaust

Department of Art History, Campus Hof 9, Spitalgasse 2, 1090 Vienna
Download the Conference Programme in PDF

Morocco: National Meeting on promoting Tolerance and combating Antisemitism took place in Rabat, 14-15 June

Source: International Institute for Education and Research on Antisemitism (IIBSA), 17.6.2014

Rabat. 60 NGO activists, educators, blogger and journalists from 15 Moroccan cities and villages spread all over Morocco gathered on 14 and 15 of June in the Moroccan capital Rabat to discuss strategies in order to promote tolerance and to combat all forms of discrimination in Morocco, with a specific focus on antisemitism. The two-days event with the title „National Meeting on Tolerance. Towards a National Strategy to promote Tolerance“ was organized by the Moroccan nationwide organization Dialogus in cooperation with the International Institute for Education and Research on Antisemitism (IIBSA) based in Berlin and London. During the event, recommendations for state institutions and media were developed focusing on related main problems in Moroccan society: discrimination and hatred against homosexuals, Jews and Israel, handicapped people, the Amazigh (‘Berber’) population and Black people, as well as discrimination of women in general. Continue reading

Rabat: Conference on Tolerance and Antisemitism in Morocco


Download conference program in French (pdf)rabat_conference

Rencontre nationale sur la tolérance

Première édition

Rabat le 14-15 Juin 2014

Hôtel OSCAR Rabat Maroc

Sous le thème : vers une stratégie nationale pour la promotion de la tolérance

Conférence débat

Ateliers de formations

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(Deutsch) Gastbeitrag im Stern: Können Juden sich in Europa noch sicher fühlen?

Anschläge und Europawahl
Können Juden sich in Europa noch sicher fühlen?
31. Mai 2014, 15:00 Uhr

Nach dem Angriff auf das Jüdische Museum in Brüssel und dem Erstarken der Rechten im EU-Parlament sind viele Menschen verunsichert. Wie gefährlich ist Europa für Juden? Ein Gastbeitrag von Günther Jikeli


Op-Ed (Haaretz): ‘Spawn of Israel’: Erdogan’s anti-Semitic obsessions

The pro-Erdogan Islamist newspaper blaming the Jews for Turkey’s mining disaster is just the tip of the iceberg: The Turkish PM’s anti-Semitism is deeply rooted and is now spreading more widely in Turkey.

By Günther Jikeli and Kemal Silay* | 22.05.14

Catastrophes provide governments with an opportunity to present themselves as true leaders during a crisis. Turkish Prime Minister Erdogan Continue reading

Symposium Berlin: Educated Antisemitism – a Challenge for Civil Society

tu-schwarz-friesel20 June 2014, Technical University Berlin

Kim Robin Stoller (IIBSA) discusses with Volker Beck (Speaker on Human Rights Affairs of the party BÜNDNIS 90/DIE GRÜNEN), Ahmed Mansour, Petra Pau (Vice-president of German Bundestag), Levi Salomon (JFDA), Jana Wüstenhagen (Brandenburgische Landeszentrale für politische Bildung) at the panel discussion at the symposium „Educated Antisemitism – a challenge for Civil Society”.

Download: Flyer Symposium 2014

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Article: Kim Robin Stoller – Modern Capitalist Society, Competing Nation States, Antisemitism and Hatred of the Jewish State

isgapKim Robin Stoller (2013): Modern Capitalist Society, Competing Nation States, Antisemitism and Hatred of the Jewish State. In: Charles Asher Small: Global Antisemitism: A Crisis of Modernity. Volume I: Conceptional Approaches. ISGAP: New York, pp. 135-140.

Download Volume I

New book (in German): Günther Jikeli/ FES (ed.) Raketen und Zwangsarbeit in Peenemünde – Die Verantwortung der Erinnerung

Cover Jikeli 2014 Raketen und Zwangsarbeit FES

Jikeli 2014 Raketen und Zwangsarbeit in Peenemuende FES

Einleitung: Jikeli_Einleitung._Raketen_und_Zwangsarbeit_in_Peenemuende_2014

Article: Kim Robin Stoller – Modern Capitalist Society, Competing Nation States, Antisemitism and Hatred of the Jewish State


Kim Robin Stoller (2013): Modern Capitalist Society, Competing Nation States, Antisemitism and Hatred of the Jewish State. In: Charles Asher Small: Global Antisemitism: A Crisis of Modernity. Brill: Leiden, pp. 133-138.

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Article: Moroccan Law Proposal suggests punishing contacts with Israel and Israelis with two to five years of imprisonment

Kim Robin Stoller (International Institute for Education and Research on Antisemitism) — download PDF

After World War II, there were more than 250 000 Jews living in Morocco. Most of them immigrated to Israel in the 1950s and 1960s, making the population from Morocco or with Moroccan descent the second largest in Israel. Today, a newly proposed law submitted by the majority of Moroccan parliamentarian groups asks for the punishment of contacts with Israel and Israelis with two to five years of imprisonment. Human rights activists from Morocco are condemning the proposal as “inhumane,” “unconstitutional” and “influenced by Nazi-tendencies” and are asking for help from the international community. Continue reading

Article: Boycotts in Perspective

Doerte Letzmann

1 July 2013

The international conference on “Boycotts – Past and Present” at the Pears Institute for the study of Antisemitism, held in London from 19 to 21 June, had, according to the Institute’s director David Feldman, in advance been accused of bias. The conference was seen as both Hasbara, which is advocacy of the Israeli state, and antisemitic treachery. Continue reading

New book (in German): Günther Jikeli, Kim Robin Stoller, Joëlle Allouche-Benayoun (Hg.) – Umstrittene Geschichte. Ansichten zum Holocaust unter Muslimen im internationalen Vergleich

Campus Verlag, kartoniert

EAN 9783593398556 € 34,90 inkl. MwSt.

Mit Beiträgen von: Joëlle Allouche-Benayoun, Rýfat N. Bali, Georges Bensoussan, Mehmet Can, Monique Eckmann, Remco Ensel, Evelien Gans, Karoline Georg, Ruth Hatlapa, Günther Jikeli, Philip Spencer, Kim Robin Stoller, Annemarike Stremmelaer, Sara Valentina di Palma, Esther Webman, Juliane Wetzel und Michael Whine.

Inhaltsverzeichnis und Einleitung (Download .pdf)

Flyer zum Buch (Download .pdf)

Link und Bestellmöglichkeit beim Campus Verlag

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Article: Günther Jikeli – Judaken’s poor response to the accusation of “Kosher stamps for post & anti-Zionism”

21 February 2013

The term “new Antisemitism” and differences and similarities between Anti-Zionism, antisemitism, and hatred against Israel have led to fierce debates among scholars. Instead of insulting each other and imagining themselves in a kind of “war”, Günther Jikeli argues, scholars would do better to look into the arguments and empirical evidence. Continue reading

Tel Aviv lecture: Antisemitism in the Extreme Right and Radical Islamists’ Circles

From Rejection to Acceptance 11 February 2013

Lecture by Günther Jikeli at the conference “From Rejection to Acceptance: To Be Jewish in 21st Century Germany” at the Tel Aviv University organized by the Kantor Center for the Study of Contemporary European Jewry and other institutions. Sunday-Tuesday, 10-12 February 2013 at Beit Hatfutsot, Bnei Zion Hall, Tel Aviv University. Download (PDF)

Tel Aviv lecture: Holocaust Education Projects Inside and Outside Europe – Approaches and Experiences

29 January 2013

Lecture by Kim Robin Stoller at the Zeev Vered third annual symposium on: Holocaust Education among Arabs and Muslims – Challenges and Hopes organized by the The Zeev Vered Desk for the Study of Tolerance and Intolerance in the Middle East, Stephen Roth Institute and The Kantor Center for the Study of Contemporary European Jewry. Tuesday, 29 January 2013, 17:00 – 19:00 Web Building, Auditorium 001, Tel Aviv University. Download (PDF)

Video documentation of the symposium: Holocaust Education among Arabs and Muslims – Challenges and Hopes

Artikel: Eksner, J., A. Schmid, G. Jikeli. Jabob Augstein – der Vierte aus der Mitte?

Eksner, J., A. Schmid, G. Jikeli. Jabob Augstein – der Vierte aus der Mitte? Ein Gastbeitrag zur Antisemitismus-Debatte. Netz-gegen-Nazis, 17. Januar 2013. Seit Tagen kocht die Diskussion um Jakob Augstein, seine “Spiegel”-Beiträge und die Auseinandersetzung mit dem Simon Wiesenthal Center. Nun melden sich drei jüngere Antisemitismusforscher und –forscherinnen zu Wort. Sie analysieren die Aussagen Augsteins als Beispiel für den Antisemitismus der Mitte. Continue reading

New Book: Günther Jikeli; Joëlle Allouche-Benayoun – Perceptions of the Holocaust in Europe and Muslim Communities

G. Jikeli, J. Allouche-Benayoun (eds.), Perceptions of the Holocaust in Europe and Muslim Communities. Sources, Comparisons and Educational Challenges. Dordrecht; New York: Springer 2013.

The way people think about the Holocaust is changing. The particular nature of the transformation depends on people’s historical perspectives and how they position themselves and their nation or community vis-à-vis the tragedy. Understandably, European Muslims perceive the Holocaust as less central to their history than do other Europeans. Yet while the acknowledgment and commemoration of the horrors of the Holocaust are increasingly important in Europe, Holocaust denial and biased views on the Holocaust are widespread in European Muslims’ countries of origin. In this book, a number of distinguished scholars and educators of various backgrounds discuss views of the Holocaust, explore the backgrounds of biased perceptions but also highlight positive approaches and developments. Many of the contributions were written by people working in the field and reflecting on their experiences. Continue reading

Warsaw lecture: Discrimination of Muslims and Antisemitism among Muslims in Europe

16 October 2012

Lecture by Günther Jikeli at the international seminar “Le regard de l’autre” (J.P. Sartre) – Probing the Limits of Tolerance: Jewish Communities and Other Minorities Facing Antisemitism and Xenophobia of the Kantor Center for the Study of Contemporary European Jewry, the Ze’ev Vered Desk for the Study of Tolerance and Intolerance in the Middle East ( Tel Aviv University, Israel) and ‘Never Again’ (Poland).

Artikel: Günther Jikeli – Der neue alte Antisemitismus. Müssen Juden sich wieder verstecken?

Jikeli, G. Der neue alte Antisemitismus. Müssen Juden sich wieder verstecken?, 14. September 2012.
Die Angriffe auf Juden in Berlin zeugen von einem neuen Antisemitismus – und einer neuen Angst in Europa. Die Täter sind nicht nur Neonazis. Hass auf Juden ist unter Muslimen verbreitet. Ein Gastbeitrag von Günther Jikeli.

Neuerscheinung: Günther Jikeli – Antisemitismus und Diskriminierungswahrnehmungen junger Muslime in Europa

Ergebnisse einer Studie unter jungen muslimischen Männern. Antisemitismus. Geschichte und Strukturen, Band 7, 2012, Klartext Verlag, Essen 342 Seiten, 29,90 €, ISBN: 978-3-8375-0165-0

Zentrale Ergebnisse der vergleichenden StudieBuch GJ

Es gibt einen spezifisch muslimischen Antisemitismus in Europa. Dieser

  • kann sich in aggressiver Form äußern und ist eine Gefahr für Juden,
  • lässt sich nicht auf Israelhass reduzieren und
  • kann nicht durch Diskriminierungserfahrungen entschuldigt oder erklärt werden.


Berlin Conference: Confronting Antisemitism and Promoting Holocaust Education in Morocco

10 April – 12 April 2012

organized by
International Institute for Education and Research on Antisemitism (IIBSA) [Germany]
United States Holocaust Memorial Museum (USHMM) [US]

in cooperation with
Organisation Dialogus [Morocco]
Mémoire Collective [Morocco]
Kreuzberger Inititiative to combat Antisemitism (KIGA) [Germany]


Madrid: International Conference on Antisemitism – IV Seminario Internacional sobre Antisemitismo

Conference Opening30 November and 01 December, 2011

Download Conference Program – Programa IV Seminario

The conference has been organized by the Federation of Jewish Communities (FCJE) in Spain in cooperation with the International Institute for Education and Research on Antisemitism and other organizations. The conference language was Spanish.

Please find here audio and video documentation and the final declaration (Spanish)