10:01 am

The Blood is the Life: 3-5-2011

04:26 pm

On the death of Osama Bin Laden

- 39 insane rants

10:00 am

The Blood is the Life: 4-5-2011

- 2 insane rants

10:01 am

The Blood is the Life: 5-5-2011

- 2 insane rants

10:33 pm

#Psychoville: a review

- 4 insane rants
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11:09 pm

A reported conversation while watching #bbcqt

- 7 insane rants
This post has been tagged:

10:01 am

The Blood is the Life: 6-5-2011

10:11 am

Small Crumbs of Comfort

- 4 insane rants
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05:23 pm

Calderdale results

- 17 insane rants
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01:36 am

For some reason, this feels appropriate

- 1 insane rant
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10:00 am

The Blood is the Life: 7-5-2011

- 1 insane rant

11:35 pm

Doctor Who series 32 Episode 3: a Black Spot on the series so far

- 20 insane rants
This post has been tagged:

10:00 am

The Blood is the Life: 8-5-2011

12:05 pm

WTF, Lib Dem Voice? SERIOUSLY, WTF??

- 6 insane rants
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06:16 pm

Sherlock News

- 10 insane rants
This post has been tagged:

10:01 am

The Blood is the Life: 9-5-2011

- 5 insane rants

12:13 pm

Employment law policy thoughts

- 29 insane rants
This post has been tagged:

10:00 am

The Blood is the Life: 10-5-2011

- 1 insane rant

11:47 pm

The Lib Dem Leadership Don't Get It - But I Do (a post that has been brewing a long time)

- 48 insane rants
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10:10 am

State of the SB

- 7 insane rants
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10:00 am

The Blood is the Life: 13-5-2011

10:09 am

I'm on two podcasts today: @EHPodcast and @PodDelusion

- 1 insane rant
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10:28 pm

Attack the Block: a review (@AttackTheBlock)

- 1 insane rant
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07:23 pm

Bravo, @neilhimself, Bravo

- 16 insane rants
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10:00 am

The Blood is the Life: 15-5-2011

- 4 insane rants

12:58 pm

Left, Right and Centre: a graphic illustration of why these words do not give enough information

- 27 insane rants
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10:00 am

The Blood is the Life: 16-5-2011

11:01 pm

Hello, Oh Fic Writers on the F-list!

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10:01 am

The Blood is the Life: 17-5-2011

- 1 insane rant

10:40 am

First John Redwood and now Ken Clarke: on the Classification of Rape

- 70 insane rants
This post has been tagged:

06:09 pm

Blog Maintenance

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10:01 am

The Blood is the Life: 20-5-2011

- 2 insane rants

10:01 am

The Blood is the Life: 21-5-2011

10:00 am

The Blood is the Life: 22-5-2011

- 2 insane rants

11:44 am

Doctor Who: the Rebel Flesh

- 13 insane rants
This post has been tagged:

10:00 am

The Blood is the Life: 23-5-2011

12:15 am

People who do not understand our constitution should not pontificate on it. WARNING: contains rant

- 7 insane rants
This post has been tagged:

10:01 am

The Blood is the Life: 24-5-2011

10:01 am

The Blood is the Life: 25-5-2011

10:01 am

The Blood is the Life: 26-5-2011

10:01 am

The Blood is the Life: 28-5-2011

- 1 insane rant

07:53 pm

Doctor Who: the Almost People

- 46 insane rants
This post has been tagged:

11:13 pm

Why Do I Love Prince Philip?

- 6 insane rants
This post has been tagged:

10:04 am

Doctor Who: the Almost People Addendum

- 61 insane rants
This post has been tagged:

10:00 am

The Blood is the Life: 30-5-2011

- 9 insane rants

10:02 am

The Blood is the Life: 31-5-2011

- 2 insane rants

About This Blog

picture of Jennie Rigg

Hello! I'm Jennie (known to many as SB, due to my handle, or The Yorksher Gob because of my old blog's name). This blog is my public face; click here for a list of all the other places you can find me on t'interwebs.

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Charities I support:

The Survivors' Trust - donate here
DogsTrust - donate here
CAB - donate here


Creative Commons License
Miss SB by Jennie Rigg is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Non-Commercial-No Derivative Works 2.0 UK: England & Wales License.
Based on a work at miss-s-b.dreamwidth.org.

Please note that any and all opinions expressed in this blog are subject to random change at whim my own, and not necessarily representative of my party, or any of the constituent parts thereof (except myself, obviously).

Printed by Dreamwidth Studios, Maryland USA. Promoted by Jennie Rigg, of Brighouse, West Yorkshire.

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