Fangirling: Brian Blessed
[personal profile] miss_s_b
That's a genuine question. I don't understand.

He's crass and offensive and racist and sexist... But somehow it's endearing, when in anybody else it would be appalling.

Perhaps it's because he's slightly unreal; a caricature of all things that are offensive and awful about very posh people, and somehow he comes out of the other side of awful and reaches some glorious sunlit upland of comedy inappropriateness...

I'm watching Have I Got News For You and in every clip of the Obama visit it's Philip that makes it, from him pointing and laughing at his OWN SON'S combover flapping in the breeze to him trying not to giggle at the toast.

Bless him.

ETA: of course, one reason to love him: he's a Shirley Bassey fan. Nobody who loves the Shirley can be all bad...
Date: 2011-05-28 10:41 pm (UTC)
From: [personal profile] magister
He's a mad old bugger, but he's our mad old bugger. Gives me something to aim for if I reach 90.
Date: 2011-05-28 10:42 pm (UTC)
From: [personal profile] addyit
i guess if he's made it to 90, he can bally well laugh at whatever he likes.
Date: 2011-05-29 01:35 am (UTC)
From: [personal profile] addyit
then again, if he DIDN'T say the things he does, he probably would have checked out about 50 years earlier.
Date: 2011-05-28 11:04 pm (UTC)
National Pep
From: [identity profile]
I suspect because he doesn't appear to be particularly malicious. He may say all sorts of horribly offensive things, but it's difficult to imagine Prince-Philip-The-Public-Persona ever actually wanting to cause anyone any hurt - most of his most awful comments are him trying to put people at their ease.
Of course for all I know he might be an absolute monster in real life, but in a weird way making jokes about 'cannibals' or 'slitty eyes' or whatever is *almost* 'celebrating diversity' in its own perverse way - he seems to *like* these stereotypes existing, and not think badly of the people themselves for being (in his eyes) ridiculous. I think he's *trying* (or trying to appear like he's trying) to laugh with, rather than at, people, and just gets it hideously wrong.
Date: 2011-05-28 11:31 pm (UTC)
by LJ user gothindulgence
From: [personal profile] karohemd
*nods* He's not being deliberately offensive, just, sadly, awfully ignorant.
Date: 2011-05-28 11:29 pm (UTC)
by LJ user gothindulgence
From: [personal profile] karohemd
HIGNFY would lose a major voice over target if Philip wasn't who he is.

The bit during the toast reminded me of a recent wedding where during the groom's personal vows, an ice cream van on full blare drove past. ;o)

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Page generated Nov. 16th, 2011 01:20 am