Italy – Counter-measures: on preventive repression and the struggle against it [pamphlet]


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This publication will also be available during the initiatives in Giulianova on 18th February and Rome on 25th February.

This pamphlet is an attempt to provide a useful instrument in order to understand the articulated and multiform repressive apparatus of the State. We are convinced that an analysis of the unfolding of repressive strategies is useful to spread awareness and consequently to develop concrete plans of struggle. We are aware that the publication is not complete: in fact we have focused on the past two years and the situations we knew best; and in it we have put together the communiques and declarations of comrades struck by the repression while taking an active part in the struggle in places they visit or live. Today we have to acknowledge how repression is fierce in the face of a low level of conflictuality, as far as it goes. Certainly, for the State and its apparatuses the presence of comrades in contexts of struggle is an additional threat to the implementation of their deadly projects. Likewise the State may find it useful to burn all bridges and get rid of its enemies, that is to say those who, because of the way they live or their ideas, represent and will continue to represent an obstacle even in a (not too distant) future that is set to be reactionary and authoritarian. A future that is being built bit by bit, more or less rapidly, by the current terror policies and propaganda, of wars among the poor, loss of solidarity, prevarication and competition.
In order to continue the struggle it is necessary to re-establish a ‘balance of power’ with the State, which at the moment is not at all in our favour. Choosing to step back will inevitably lead to a reduction of spaces of action and participation. We’ve recently seen how this tendency is taking shape in a number of cities and situations. Some comrades have decided not to submit to preventive measures and openly declared they didn’t want to comply with them. To them all our complicity and solidarity. As always, we won’t deny complicity and solidarity with those who have decided or will decide not to breach the imposed restrictions because of life conditions, contingent choices or for other reasons. In our opinion it is important to understand the diversity of choices without taking Manichean attitudes and rigidity. The rejection of measures imposed is undoubtedly a strong signal but it can’t remain the only one, or affect only those who decide to put it in practice. We must develop and expand wider-range trajectories of struggle together.
Rete Evasioni
Translated by act for freedom now!

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