July 7, 2020
by actforfreedom
Comments Off on (México) Oaxaca se suma a actos de revuelta contra la policía (14 de junio)

(México) Oaxaca se suma a actos de revuelta contra la policía (14 de junio)

Received on : 7.7.20 El 14 de Junio, frente a la Universidad Autonoma de Benito Juarez, en Oaxaca, varios grupos anarquistas protestaron contra la violencia del Estado, recordando las protestas del 2006 donde hubo  varios asesinatos cometidos por los cuerpos … Continue reading

May 1, 2020
by actforfreedom
Comments Off on Mexico : Expropriations

Mexico : Expropriations

According to the official press, in late March 2020, various groups organized themselves to loot shops and supermarkets. Food, tobacco, booze, clothing, electrical and electronic appliances. Shops such as Elektra, Coppel, Chedraui, Walmart and Bodega Aurrera were attacked. 23 expropriations … Continue reading

March 5, 2020
by actforfreedom
Comments Off on Mexico : F.B.I – Urgent Call to Anarchic Action – March 2020 EN/ES

Mexico : F.B.I – Urgent Call to Anarchic Action – March 2020 EN/ES

Let’s make March the hottest month in history! Urgent Call to Anarchic Action: As ANARCHIC WARRIORS IN THE FIGHT AGAINST PATRIARCHY, we call all our comrades to be present in the fight in the streets next Sunday 8th March and … Continue reading

February 29, 2020
by actforfreedom
Comments Off on The Hague, The Netherlands: Mexico Femicide State – Mexican Embassy Attacked with Red Paint

The Hague, The Netherlands: Mexico Femicide State – Mexican Embassy Attacked with Red Paint

A solidarity action with women in Mexico has taken place in the Hague. Early in the morning of Feb 25, we marked the Mexican embassy with red paint, symbolizing the blood of the countless women that have been murdered. In … Continue reading

February 29, 2020
by actforfreedom
Comments Off on Mexico: F.B.I – Urgent Call to Anarchic Action – March 2020

Mexico: F.B.I – Urgent Call to Anarchic Action – March 2020

Let’s make March the hottest month in history! Urgent Call to Anarchic Action: As ANARCHIC WARRIORS IN THE FIGHT AGAINST PATRIARCHY, we call all our comrades to be present in the fight in the streets next Sunday 8th March and … Continue reading

October 9, 2019
by actforfreedom
Comments Off on Greece : Solidarity Poster, FROM GREECE TO MEXICO: FURY AND RAGE FOR EVERY RAPE


FROM GREECE TO MEXICO, FURY AND RAGE FOR EVERY RAPE Here in this world we females have a lot in common to share. About those days when we walk in the street and the car honks with comments falling one … Continue reading

October 6, 2019
by actforfreedom
Comments Off on México: Anarchic Call to Action from Some Informal Anarchists in Permanent Conflict

México: Anarchic Call to Action from Some Informal Anarchists in Permanent Conflict

We behave badly, very badly and we can behave worse! The Mexican State, with its dominating logic, continues to accuse us of “provocation” and to impose the pacifism of the “good people”. And now they are trying to go further… … Continue reading

September 6, 2019
by actforfreedom
Comments Off on Mexico City: Update on the situation of comrade Mario Antonio López (Tripa)

Mexico City: Update on the situation of comrade Mario Antonio López (Tripa)

Mexico City: Update on the situation of compa Mario Tripa 2019-09-05 We located the comrade Mario Tripa, on Monday September 2, he had been taken to the Reclusorio Norte [north prison] of Mexico City. To this day the comrade remains … Continue reading

September 5, 2019
by actforfreedom
Comments Off on Mexico ,Urgent : On September 2 at the Tláhuac city hall in Mexico City, at 1 pm, the comrade Mario Antonio López (Tripa) was arrested by the judicial police.

Mexico ,Urgent : On September 2 at the Tláhuac city hall in Mexico City, at 1 pm, the comrade Mario Antonio López (Tripa) was arrested by the judicial police.

Since that time we have not had any information about his whereabouts, the comrade is incommunicado, he has not been located in any public prosecutor’s offices, and prisons have no information either. We denounce the forced disappearance of the comrade … Continue reading

August 19, 2019
by actforfreedom
Comments Off on México, México City : Call for action by Féminas Brujas e Insurreccionalistas (F.B.I) [Female witches and insurrectionalists]

México, México City : Call for action by Féminas Brujas e Insurreccionalistas (F.B.I) [Female witches and insurrectionalists]

WE ARE BAD AND WE COULD BE WORSE: WE ARE YOUR WORST NIGHTMARE! “Provocation” and “Illegality” is all action not executed by the State that exceeds its laws and regulations; that’s why the authorities insist on presenting the anarchist war … Continue reading

August 18, 2019
by actforfreedom
Comments Off on Mexico City, Mexico: Angry rioting against police rape

Mexico City, Mexico: Angry rioting against police rape

12 August 2019 “Cops, pigs, rapists” On Monday, August 12, 2019, hundreds of women took to the streets to express their anger at the patriarchal and sexist violence of the police. A few days earlier, four uniformed pigs raped a … Continue reading

February 15, 2019
by actforfreedom
Comments Off on Mexico : Attacks on a Ford car showroom and the bird breeding farm PATSA

Mexico : Attacks on a Ford car showroom and the bird breeding farm PATSA

Explosive attack on a Ford car showroom Communique received on 02/01/2019: It’s obvious that techno-industrial progress is advancing and with it the impact on nature is becoming stronger and more irreversible… We won’t take a reformist and conformist attitude in … Continue reading

November 6, 2018
by actforfreedom
Comments Off on Mexico: Anarchist Prisoner Miguel Peralta Sentenced to 50 Years Imprisonment

Mexico: Anarchist Prisoner Miguel Peralta Sentenced to 50 Years Imprisonment

On October 26th, our comrade Miguel Ángel Peralta was notified that the judge has found him criminally liable for the commission of the crime of attempted homicide against Eliza Zepeda Lagunas (former municipal president of Eloxochitlán and now a local … Continue reading

October 23, 2018
by actforfreedom
Comments Off on Mexico: Anarchist Political Prisoner Miguel Peralta Begins Hunger Strike

Mexico: Anarchist Political Prisoner Miguel Peralta Begins Hunger Strike

Below we publish a press release from the friends and family of the political prisoners of Eloxochitlán de Flores Magón announcing the hunger strike of Miguel Peralta in the face of the ongoing irregularities and delays in his legal case. … Continue reading

October 22, 2018
by actforfreedom
Comments Off on Mexico: Day of Agitation and Propaganda (10/11/2018)

Mexico: Day of Agitation and Propaganda (10/11/2018)

Day :  10/11/2018 – 15:00 to 23:00 City:  City of Mexico Place: Foro El Mundano There will be interventions, reflection, discussions and critique on current anarchism, as well as various activities concerning agitation. There will be an informal talk with … Continue reading

September 4, 2018
by actforfreedom
Comments Off on Oaxaca, Mexico : Action in Solidarity with the Political Prisoners of Eloxochitlán de Flores Magón to Celebrate the International Week of Solidarity with Anarchist Prisoners

Oaxaca, Mexico : Action in Solidarity with the Political Prisoners of Eloxochitlán de Flores Magón to Celebrate the International Week of Solidarity with Anarchist Prisoners

Action in solidarity with prisoners in Eloxochitlán de Flores Magón, Oaxaca. On August 30th, 2018, a group of comrades took the street in front of the transition house of the president-elect of Mexico, Andrés Manuel López Obrador. There, they briefly … Continue reading