June 27, 2020
by actforfreedom
Comments Off on Greece : Information updates for the 2 anarchist arrested on 27/5 /20 in Thessaloniki

Greece : Information updates for the 2 anarchist arrested on 27/5 /20 in Thessaloniki

On 15/6/20 the 15-days of deadline given by the investigator of the greek court in the case for the payment of the € 20,000 guarantee (€ 10,000 each) expired. The amount was collected, with the participation and support of comrades … Continue reading

May 27, 2020
by actforfreedom
Comments Off on Correct address for anarchist comrade prisoner in Spain Gabriel Pombo da Silva.

Correct address for anarchist comrade prisoner in Spain Gabriel Pombo da Silva.

We learn that the address to write to Gabriel Pombo da Silva previously communicated was incorrect. here is: Gabriel Pombo Da Silva Centro Penitenciario Badajoz Carretera de Olivenza, Km 7,3 06011 Badajoz España ————- Gabriel free! All free! Long live … Continue reading

April 21, 2020
by actforfreedom
Comments Off on Athens,and city of patras Greece : On Thursday 16/4 /20 we proceeded with the following:

Athens,and city of patras Greece : On Thursday 16/4 /20 we proceeded with the following:

On Thursday 16/4/20 we went ahead with the following moves, wanting to communicate our reasoning and analysis in relation to the quarantine and the situation of the “pandemic”, and mainly to highlight the situation in the places of confinement in … Continue reading

April 5, 2020
by actforfreedom
Comments Off on Greece : Transfer of Pola Rοupa to the prison of Eleonas in Thebes and update on the situation in the Greek prisons

Greece : Transfer of Pola Rοupa to the prison of Eleonas in Thebes and update on the situation in the Greek prisons

Read also: Greece: Revolutionary Struggle Member Pola Roupa – Social & Class Inequality Breeds Pandemics ————————– Pola Roupa was transferred because she was taking part in a mobilization in the prison of Korydallos (Athens), against prison overcrowding and for the … Continue reading

January 29, 2020
by actforfreedom
Comments Off on Italy – Special surveillance for 4 comrades following protests in La Spezia – Updates

Italy – Special surveillance for 4 comrades following protests in La Spezia – Updates

RoundRobin Translated by act for freedom now! ———————————————————- On 8th January 2020 The Court of Genoa enforced special surveillance orders on 4 out of 14 anarchists who on 5th January 2019 demonstrated in La Spezia in solidarity with Paska, after … Continue reading

January 14, 2020
by actforfreedom
Comments Off on Athens, Greece: About the New Trial Against R.O – Revolutionary Struggle

Athens, Greece: About the New Trial Against R.O – Revolutionary Struggle

The new trial against Revolutionary Struggle [Επαναστατικού Αγώνα, ‘Epanastatikòs Agonas’] will continue at the special court in Korydallso Prison (Athens) on Friday, January 10th, 2020, at 9:00AM. This ongoing legal proceeding against the organization and its members is part of … Continue reading

January 10, 2020
by actforfreedom
Comments Off on Greece – Revolt in the hotspot of Samos, demonstration in the streets of the island next day

Greece – Revolt in the hotspot of Samos, demonstration in the streets of the island next day

At the moment 7,497 people are being held in a centre built for 648. Many are unaccompanied minors. Protests against the dramatic living conditions are frequent: yesterday, Thursday, a revolt was suppressed by riot police, a fire had destroyed about … Continue reading

December 23, 2019
by actforfreedom
Comments Off on Athens, Greece : Intervention in the center of Athens after the 3 squats evicted in koukaki area

Athens, Greece : Intervention in the center of Athens after the 3 squats evicted in koukaki area

This video is from the evening of 18 of December depicting approximately the surprise protest by more approximately 200 people protesting in the center of Athens in solidarity to the 3 squats evicted earlier that morning in Koukaki. Unrelated to … Continue reading

December 11, 2019
by actforfreedom
Comments Off on Chile : INCENDIO EN LA CÁRCEL DE SAN MIGUEL: 81 presos asesinados por el Estado

Chile : INCENDIO EN LA CÁRCEL DE SAN MIGUEL: 81 presos asesinados por el Estado

El incendio en la Cárcel de San Miguel (*) Las cárceles, centros de tortura y exterminio son piezas fundamentales para mantener y perpetuar el orden que solo a los poderosos beneficia. Las cárceles son la amenaza siempre latente con la … Continue reading

December 9, 2019
by actforfreedom
Comments Off on Italy: “Prometeo” operation – Robert was released from prison (December 2nd, 2019)

Italy: “Prometeo” operation – Robert was released from prison (December 2nd, 2019)

As published by roundrobin.info, we learn that Robert, an anarchist arrested on May 21st of this year for the “Prometeo” operation, was released from prison: We learn that on 2 December 2019 they released Robert! He is free and without … Continue reading

November 15, 2019
by actforfreedom


Recently, the state’s repressive campaign against squatted houses has become almost a normality. The pattern is obvious, migrant squats and spaces with diverse political activity and anti authoritarian characteristics are evicted one after the other. Within this context, on Sunday … Continue reading

May 11, 2019
by actforfreedom
Comments Off on New PGP public key (valid from May 2019)

New PGP public key (valid from May 2019)

Actforfree@riseup.net has a new PGP public key (0x9F848E7BACD92EA6) as of 11th May 2019. Please do not use 0x47F466F0 or 0x9B065D0C as they have been revoked and will not be used anymore. New key is as follows: —–BEGIN PGP PUBLIC KEY … Continue reading

May 10, 2019
by actforfreedom
Comments Off on Italy : Text letter by Anarchist comrades Anna, Silvia and Agnese from inside l’Aquila prison High security section

Italy : Text letter by Anarchist comrades Anna, Silvia and Agnese from inside l’Aquila prison High security section

Act for free received by Email 8/5/19 ——————————- CHRONICLES OF A JOURNEY AND LANDING IN THE KINGDOM OF L’AQUILA Early wake-up call Saturday 6th April: 3 of us are transferred to L’Aquila from the AS2 section (high security) in Rebibbia … Continue reading

March 25, 2019
by actforfreedom
Comments Off on Italy : Words from anarchist comrade Anna Beniamino

Italy : Words from anarchist comrade Anna Beniamino

Translated by Act for freedom now! via: parolealvento. —————————————————- Anna Degenerations – Between pride and gender victimhood  (An article Degenerazioni – Tra orgoglio e vittimismo di genere published in issue 3 of the anarchist paper Vetriolo) I am anarchist, I … Continue reading

February 21, 2019
by actforfreedom
Comments Off on Greece,Athens : Gathering at Omonoia Police station 21/2/19 for the murder of a Nigerian

Greece,Athens : Gathering at Omonoia Police station 21/2/19 for the murder of a Nigerian

As a minimum solidarity move, we participate to the gathering tomorrow at 13:00 at Police Station of Omonoia and we republish the announcement of United African Women Organization. Cops fascists Murders A few days ago, a Nigerian man from our … Continue reading

February 17, 2019
by actforfreedom


Αναμεταδοση διεθνούς συναντησης ραδιοφωνων Την Κυριακη 17/2/19 θα γινει αναμεταδοση των κοινων εκπομπών που θα γινουν στα πλαισια της 5ου διεθνους συναντησης αντιεξουσιαστικων και αναρχικων ραδιοφωνων και εκπομπών. Το προγραμμα. 17/2/19 Slot 1: Introduction: the a-radio network, the gathering, the … Continue reading

February 15, 2019
by actforfreedom
Comments Off on Vandalizado el monumento a la División Azul en el cementerio de la Almudena

Vandalizado el monumento a la División Azul en el cementerio de la Almudena

Recibido por correo electrónico El pasado viernes 8 de febrero vandalizamos el monumento a la división azul en el cementerio de la Almudena en Madrid. Motivos hay para hacerlo cualquier día, pero esta fecha la elegimos con gusto ya que … Continue reading

January 30, 2019
by actforfreedom
Comments Off on Thessaloniki , Greece : Announcement by the Group for Social Anarchism Mauro & Kokkino on the new threats for evacuation against Mundo Nuevo Squat

Thessaloniki , Greece : Announcement by the Group for Social Anarchism Mauro & Kokkino on the new threats for evacuation against Mundo Nuevo Squat

Flesh of our flesh and blood of our blood.Mundo Nuevo squat has already been counting three years, since the day our group took the initiative and occupied the building at the intersection of the roads Filippou and Siatistis and it … Continue reading