Canberra: lots of hot air, but a desperate shortage of gas

Penalty rates: "This is a matter that the Government has not decided."
Penalty rates: "This is a matter that the Government has not decided." Alex Ellinghausen

A week of arguing about whose fault it was, and whether the government was prepared to defend it, before finally on Thursday some actual discussion emerged in Canberra about how the Fair Work Commission's Sunday penalty rate decision might actually be implemented.

A week in which, from all the babble that spews out of Parliament House, the only real message that cut through to voters was that penalty rates were going to be cut.

Voters might have known the penalty rates might have been the ones currently paid for Sunday work.

But you can be pretty sure that the vast majority had no idea what the cut was or how it was going to work. Just that there was a threat of a cut in take-home pay.

David Rowe

Since the government is in power, however, they could be pretty sure it was probably the government's fault.

It seems the government -- with burning memories of Work Choices -- was so determined to make sure Labor got blamed for the Commission's decision that they didn't realise that there may be an information vacuum out there about what was actually involved.

The vacuum is, in a sense, partly what happens when you "deregulate" anything. As a politician, or a government, you enter a twilight world where the lines of accountability become a bit confused for everyone.

The Coalition, in its various manifestations, has been keen over the years to downgrade the status of the industrial umpire which once formed one of the most potent cornerstones of the way our economy worked.

You might not have liked centralised wage fixing, but it was clear who made the decisions.

Secretary of Treasury John Fraser: "They've got to learn to take restaurant bookings after 8pm."
Secretary of Treasury John Fraser: "They've got to learn to take restaurant bookings after 8pm." Alex Ellinghausen

Governments might get criticised for the arguments they put to the national wage case. But government and the decision-making process was clearly separate.

Now we have the slightly bizarre situation where it is Labor implicitly attacking what remains of the centralised wage fixing system by vowing to overturn the decision, and the Coalition rather limply arguing that it respects the umpire's decision.

Not that the government necessarily agrees with the decision of the Commission, mind you, as Malcolm Turnbull told the ABC's Sabra Lane on Thursday.

"If you're asking me do I think that the penalty rate for a public holiday should be reduced in one award from 250 to 225 per cent, that is a matter that the Government has not decided," he said.

"It's impossible to see how this issue could have 'crept up' on anyone. That's like being crept up on by a glacier".
"It's impossible to see how this issue could have 'crept up' on anyone. That's like being crept up on by a glacier". Dallas Kilponen

But he then went on to point out that the Commission's decision could be phased in in a way that would mean Sunday workers would not face a cut in take-home pay.

"An element in a part of every modern award says that it is the intention that any changes to awards will not reduce the take-home pay of employees", the PM explained.

The government, he said, is "very supportive of the Commission managing this transition in a way that ensures that take-home pay is, as far as possible, maintained".

Why has this all become so hard?

Doesn't anyone in politics know how the system works any more?

Apparently not. Over in Estimates, the secretary of the Treasury, John Fraser told senators that Treasury didn't have a view on the penalty rates decision, and hadn't done any modelling on it either (though he did have strong views on the standards of Hobart's hospitality industry).

"They've got to learn to take restaurant bookings after 8pm," he informed the Senate Economics Committee.

Mind you, Treasury's lack of curiosity about a range of issues these days (which of course may be linked to the mass exodus of its senior officers) is noteworthy.

Take gas, or energy more generally.

It's not as if there hasn't been a bit of air time given to energy and energy security.

Labor senator Jenny McAllister asked Fraser if, "as part of your energy analysis, have you performed any analysis on the cost of new coal-fired power stations compared to alternatives?

"No, we haven't", Fraser said.

"Have you formed a view on why so many industry players dismiss new coal plants as a viable option for new generation in Australia?", she asked

"No, I haven't. We're consulting as widely as we can. It's a very important issue and like everybody, it has crept up on us."

As McAllister says "that's like being crept up on by a glacier".

The very real crisis in the domestic gas market may have also crept up on the Treasury, with officials later confirming that they have "done no work specifically on the Australian gas market", and that the relevant group only started looking at energy in depth "three months ago".

Treasury might not have been doing any work on the Australian gas market, and the government may consider it just an ongoing nightmare to which they don't have a solution.

Business is well beyond seriously alarmed about the gaping disaster in our energy market that is the looming gas shortage. But at the level of electorate politics, it has completely disappeared amid the crossfire between renewables and coal at the two polar ends of the energy debate.

Gas, over the years, has been cited by almost everybody as the answer to all our various energy problems. Yet we have got ourselves into the bizarre situation where we are so successfully selling gas offshore, and invested $200 billion in infrastructure to do so, that now we really, seriously, don't have enough for domestic use. Prices, as a result, are soaring.

Lest you think this is a little hyperbole, AGL announced late last year that it was considering building an LNG import terminal because of the increasing difficulty in finding reliable local supplies.

Ai Group released a bleak new report this week on what it calls the looming energy shock. Its chief executive Innes Willox noted wholesale electricity prices are roughly doubling, wholesale gas prices are at least doubling, and spot prices are becoming more volatile.

"The dollar impact of the current and forecast price increase is staggering," he says. "Once fully passed through, the electricity and gas price increases will cost energy users as a whole $10 to $12 billion a year. Households will pay up to an extra $3.6 billion a year and business up to $8.7 billion a year".

As always, the call will go out for government to "do something". But just what it can do in the short term is unclear. There is muttering about CSG moratoriums being lifted and pipelines being constructed or regulated differently. In truth, the size of the looming shortages is such that these things will make little difference.

Yet no one is really talking about it in politics. Mind you, based on the experience of the Sunday penalty decision, it is hard to believe it would do any good anyway.

Laura Tingle is The Australian Financial Review's political editor