Electricity price shocks can be call to action on efficiency

Power prices are rising further ahead of the closure of Hazelwood in March.
Power prices are rising further ahead of the closure of Hazelwood in March. Eddie Jim

The warning signs have been there for months but businesses and industry are only now waking up to the harsh reality of energy price hikes.

On the front line of supply to commercial and industrial customers, ERM Power chief executive Jon Stretch has been foreshadowing what was coming, but it has still come as a shock to the bosses of Adelaide Brighton, BlueScope Steel and others.

Stretch points to an internal exercise run by ERM that showed a customer in NSW would pay 150 per cent more for a 12-month electricity contract starting on April 1 this year than for the same deal two years ago.

Victoria and South Australian businesses have it worse, facing about a 170 per cent increase between 2015 and 2017, while Queensland customers got off relatively lightly with 106 per cent. The prices are based just on the fuel – "black" electricity from the grid plus "green" renewable energy certificate costs – so any increase in network charges comes on top.

Stretch says many customers simply didn't understand the direct and instantaneous relationship between prices on the forward energy market and the price they pay.

Unlike households, business customers sign up for a fixed term and a fixed price (household prices are also controlled by state governments in some states).

A retailer such as ERM will offer a price based directly on the cost of hedging that load in the wholesale market, after assessing variability in use and risks.

The impact of a shift up in forward prices is immediate.

Stretch says a Saturday report in The Australian Financial Review last year giving the likely date of the Hazlewood plant closure at an earlier-than-anticipated March 2017 drove a jump of several dollars in the wholesale price when the market opened on the Monday. Any business needing to recontract for electricity that week was suddenly paying that much more than a week earlier.

Baseload forward contract prices have continued to increase, meanwhile, ahead of the Hazelwood shutdown. While hot weather should arguably have only a temporary impact, forward prices in NSW climbed 35 per cent from end-January to end-February, according to JPMorgan.

In the fired-up political and public debate over energy ahead of Professor Alan Finkel's report on energy security, Stretch sees a major flaw – the role of energy efficiency is getting hardly a look-in.

"It's all about sources of generation, but for every megawatt of reduced consumption that has an equal effect in terms of contribution to greenhouse gas emission reduction," he argues.

"There is precious little in policy and in programs that educate and encourage businesses to invest in energy efficiency.

"The circumstances that we find ourselves in, that is a lever that we should be pulling."

It's noticeable that in the European Union, binding targets for energy efficiency sit hand in hand with 2020 and 2030 targets for renewable energy and emissions reductions. The EU puts its 20 per cent efficiency target for 2020 at the equivalent of turning off 400 power stations.

Stretch says ERM argues the case for energy efficiency from a unique position, as a generator that is "short" in generation capacity in every state market. Unlike AGL Energy, EnergyAustralia, or Origin Energy in NSW, ERM has no large coal generator that reaps benefits from high wholesale prices.

The benefits of efficiency improvements are felt across the economy, the electricity supply system and the specific customer, where results can be dramatic. Stretch points to Beenleigh State High School in Queensland, which cut energy use by almost 30 per cent, saving $28,000 in the first eight months after installing technologies such as high-efficiency lighting and reflective roof coatings, and changing behaviour on the use of air conditioning and ventilation.

For heavy industry, the scope for savings may well be much less, but efficiency is surely deserving of a higher profile in the energy debate.


Twitter: @angelamacd