Director Allison Haworth West on the ultimate ski trip

Allison Haworth West would like to see Greenland and the South Pole before they are irrevocably altered by climate change.
Allison Haworth West would like to see Greenland and the South Pole before they are irrevocably altered by climate change.

There's nothing to beat being dropped by helicopter on a mountain top of untracked powder, says the director of Captain Cook Cruises and author of Taxi Art. She answers our Traveller Q&A.;

First, business or economy

I've spent a lot of time in the air, sometimes turning left and sometimes turning right. My collection of Qantas pyjamas reflects those fortunate left turns, but when I travel with my kids, we travel economy.

Most frequented destination

The Sydney to Hong Kong leg has been frequent, but the Japanese ski resort of Niseko, where we are very fortunate to have a house, probably tops the list.

Favourite airport

Hong Kong. It is well designed and super efficient.

If I ran my own airline I would …

Provide more leg room. I am 183 centimetres tall and it is not always easy to fit in an economy seat.

Where would you go with a million air miles?

Russia and then Greenland so I can see it before it changes too much as a result of global warming. Finally, I'd take a flight over the South Pole for the same reason.

Worst place you've been lost

Years ago I was in a taxi at night on a business trip to Berlin. At that time, the city was the world's biggest construction site, and there were large areas of dimly lit wastelands, one of which my driver drove me through. At one point, I was not sure I was going to get to the hotel at all. Despite that experience, Berlin is one of my favourite cities.

Best trip ever

It was with CMH Heli Skiing in Canada. The first time we went, we were dropped on a mountain top and the chopper flew off and left us in the middle of the glorious Canadian Rockies. I felt like I was on the top of the world. Then I got to ski endless sublime, untracked powder all day. I did not want to leave.

Most memorable overseas dining

The fish tacos at Chino in Hong Kong's Kennedy Town. The chef is ex-Nobu and has created fabulous casual fusion dining I can't get enough of.

In the suitcase

Gym gear and clothes that can easily co-ordinate.

The first thing you do in a new city

Get outside, walk around and explore – especially when I have been on a long flight.

How do you make the most of a spare afternoon in a strange city?

Do what the locals are doing. Find the cultural district and explore the art, interesting shops and restaurants.

Cure for jet lag

Fresh air, sunlight and exercise. Hydration drinks are also very good.

Other travel tips

Travel light but with enough gear to make you feel comfortable. My husband argues anything more than a carry-on is too much … I beg to differ. There's no shame in checking in a bag.

What technology do you use?

iPhone, iPad and, for longer trips, my MacBook Air to work more effectively.

Best overseas purchase

A massive black fur hat with tie-down ears that I bought from a street stall in the Chinese city of Harbin. It was minus 40 degrees and outdoors there was no other way to warm up.

Best travelling tale

Years ago, cruising on the Reef Endeavour, a ship in Fiji owned by our family business, Captain Cook Cruises, I walked up the beach on Waya and the village kids gathered around asking my name. I told them and they called me "Adi Alisi", which means "Princess Allison" in Fijian. It stuck and always brings back memories of fun and laughter.

Best thing about travelling

The opportunity to explore new places and cultures – to meet new people and taste new food. I particularly love the authenticity and energy in the rejuvenating areas of cities.

Top travel gripe

The challenge of finding fresh and healthy food when in transit.