Sometimes no cash allowed in the new payments world

 Bob Carr notes e-commerce order fulfillment in China has reached efficiencies that Australian startups would envy.
Bob Carr notes e-commerce order fulfillment in China has reached efficiencies that Australian startups would envy. Michele Mossop
by James Sherbon

 There's nothing like a bit of personal humility to ensure you will not make the same mistake twice. David Liao, president and chief executive officer of HSBC Bank (China), had just finished his Hainanese chicken rice and went to the counter to pay for his lunch. To his surprise, the restaurant not only did not take MasterCard, but neither would it accept China UnionPay, China's dominant credit card accepted in 141 countries and regions.

Liao's lesson in just how technology has revolutionised China's payment systems became complete when the restaurant advised him they also did not accept cash. Instead, the business only accepted payment via WeChat Pay, the online payment platforms run by the social media app WeChat that is used by half a billion Chinese; or Alipay, the platform attached to e-commerce giant Ali Baba.

The Chinese consumers' extraordinary takeup of mobile and online platforms extends well beyond payments. Tourism Australia's Lisa Ronson says many Chinese restaurants no longer even supply a menu. The only way of ordering is in advance, via the restaurant's app (which naturally, you also use to pay). Ronson says 53 per cent of Chinese tourists coming to Australia book their holiday via a mobile device. Australians pursuing the Chinese consumer need to make technology investment a high priority, and mobile platforms will be particularly important.

E-commerce's influence on Chinese consumer goods is even more impressive, with Goldman Sachs Global Investment Research showing online shopping rocketed from 1 billion packages in 2007 to 10 billion delivered by 2014. Former ambassador to China Geoff Raby, who runs a business consultancy in Beijing, says the relatively low costs of e-commerce mean even smaller Australian operators can reach the enormous Chinese market with reasonable cost efficiency. Former foreign minister Bob Carr, director at the Australia China Relations Institute, notes e-commerce order fulfilment has reached efficiencies that many Australian startups would envy. "There's a staff member at the Australian consulate in Chengdu," says Carr, "who orders a new outfit online at 11.30pm and is wearing it the next day to the office."

Australian companies are already capitalising on the tremendous scale offered by China's embrace of e-commerce across every age group. Freedom Foods CEO Rory Macleod says the company, which leads the Health Cereals category with a 40 per cent market share, sold 120,000 units of just one product over three weeks during Chinese New Year on Alibaba's Tmall International platform. Freedom Foods has since fast-tracked its expansion into China.

Seamless connections

Ego Pharmaceuticals managing director Alan Oppenheim also found enormous online demand caused him to fast-track China plans for Australia's largest locally owned pharmaceutical company. He says sales of a product in China are often an order of magnitude larger than Ego could achieve at Woolworths and Coles.

Social media in China is also supercharged in both its functionality and popularity. David Liao's lesson in the importance of AliPay and WeChat Pay demonstrates a functionality for social platforms such as WeChat well beyond what most Australians experience with the likes of Twitter and Facebook.

High social media engagement from consumers means companies are very rarely wanting for feedback, which is seamlessly connected with such payment systems. Freedom Food's Macleod warns companies must pay close attention to the feedback, which differs tremendously in volume and timeliness compared to Australia, where he says "we're lucky if we hear anything if someone gets sick".

Oppenheim marvels at the sheer scale of promotional opportunities in social media. He recalls the visit of a promotional company touring the Ego facilities, where young staff with smartphones live-streamed and interacted with an audience that totalled a colossal 10.4 million views, with 176,000 comments.

Yet China's embrace of technology offers opportunities well beyond consumer products. Chuyang Liu from the Australian Trade Commission sees potential in e-health, citing Australia's own advances in telehealth to remote areas as an area to exploit in China. A new "internet hospital" in Fujian launched in late August, allows patients to be examined without having to attend a bricks-and-mortar hospital thanks to connections with 1900 hospitals across China, including 7000 clinicians. 110 million citizens have already signed up for the program, including remote communities that may have just one laptop. Such enormous numbers remind Australian companies that the takeup of technology by the Chinese consumer is as exciting as it may be intimidating.