Australia China Business Council says integration of economies entering intense phase

Strong Chinese tourism numbers will be further increased by the corporate travel market.
Strong Chinese tourism numbers will be further increased by the corporate travel market. Brook Mitchell
by Mark Abernethy

 It's something of a misnomer in Australia's trade relations, but China is still classified as an emerging market.

With around a quarter of Australia's two-way trade in 2015 – almost twice the size of our second-largest trade partner, Japan – China has become a dominant force in the Australian economy. But its legal, judicial and regulatory regimes mean it retains its risk profile as an emerging market.

Which of course does not mean it's small. In its recent release, The Long Boom: What China's Rebalancing Means for Australia's Future, the Australia China Business Council says one in 58 Australian workplaces are now engaged directly in exports to China and the integration of our economy with China's is about to enter an intense phase as the Chinese government ramps up its "accelerated rebalancing" project.

Under the rebalancing exercise, the Chinese economy moves from investment stimulus to domestic consumption. The rebalancing is made possible because China now has the world's largest middle class – around 109 million adults – which is rapidly growing and getting richer with wages growth and private ownership of housing.

The rebalancing of China's economy is likely to have lasting ramifications on our own economy, says the ACBC report.

Monash Business School's Professor Edward Buckingham – says the dramatic and visible signs of Chinese growth was the investment-driven phase of steel and concrete which resulted in soaring resources exports from Australia.

But the rebalanced phase will have a greater impact on Australia because it will be driven by services. The ACBC report forecasts – on a baseline scenario – that by 2026 the services share of exports to China will have doubled, from 9.6 per cent in 2015 to 19 per cent.

'Changing gears'

"We're in a phase of investment-led growth becoming consumption-led growth," says Buckingham, who lived in China for eight years. "China is changing gears."

Buckingham says there are a number of misconceptions about the Chinese economy. In 2006, China had growth of 12.7 per cent, to produce an additional US$460 billion in additional output. In 2015, with a growth rate of 6.7 per cent, China produced additional nominal output of US$552 billion.

Even with 6.7 per cent GDP growth, China still outstrips the developed economies and the IMF's global average (2011-15) of 3.5 per cent.

Of interest to Australian businesses, says Buckingham, is the demand for services as China urbanises and becomes wealthier.

"On one level, Australia has a massive opportunity with consumer services such as tourism and education," he says.

This he calls 'P2P' services which are driven by household demand and middle class ambitions.

However, he says Australia also has a chance to become deeply engaged in the 'B2B' services that will drive China's economic rebalancing. These are the expert services such as financial services, professional services and the advisory, management and consulting industries that surround healthcare, urban planning and infrastructure.

Crucial services

The expertise and technology services will be crucial to the Chinese economy, says Buckingham, because as China relies more on domestic consumption it needs more innovation to sustain GDP growth.

"The first phase-growth was driven by investment, but now productivity gains become more important and they are driven by innovation and effectiveness."

He says the high-end services that China needs can also be provided by other developed economies – not just Australia.

The ACBC report forecasts, on the most conservative China economic scenario, that by 2026 Australian financial services jobs would have grown by 111,000, healthcare and social assistance jobs by 492,000, education and training jobs by 226,000 and tourism will have added more than 66,000 jobs.

He says while China will continue to be a global manufacturing hub, some value chains can still have Australia as their centre of gravity.

In the innovative fields of mining services and agricultural services, Australia is already something of a hub, says Buckingham.

"The question is, how will Australia participate?" he says. "China has already thought through it's strategically important industries. It's worth thinking about the strategic position of Australia's key industries."

Key lesson

He says a key lesson for Australian services companies might be that the real value is the expertise: Australia does not have to control all parts of an industry to be the centre of it, only the most sophisticated and valuable part.

Along with mining and agriculture services, he says Australian education and healthcare have a big future with China.

"Australia already has a presence in biotech and pharmaceuticals, and our aged care sector is quite advanced compared to Asia," says Buckingham. "But the healthcare and aged care services that we export might be more to do with Chinese coming here than our companies operating in China."

The Australian exports that require China's population to come here is typified by one of Australia's fastest-growing exports to China: business events.

Business Events Sydney – a partnership between the NSW government and private enterprise – estimates that more than 200,000 people entered Australia last financial year, with the purpose of attending events, and 49 per cent of them went to Sydney. Of Sydney's business events in the past year, 75 per cent came from China.

"It's a massive export industry that doesn't get a lot of publicity," says Business Events Sydney chief executive, Lyn Lewis-Smith.

She says half of the foreigners attending business events in Australia – conferences, conventions, employee events – are from Asia. The biggest growing market out of China, she says, is corporate incentive travel, which is usually in the form of an employer rewarding sales staff for meeting targets or winning salesperson of the month titles.

Incentive travellers

Sydney has had to compete for these travellers, since the rise of China's middle classes means the volumes and value of their business tourism can not be ignored.

"The incentive travellers are spending six times as much as normal tourists," says Lewis-Smith. "We're talking about high achievers and high net-worth individuals, working for companies such as Amway, Nu Skin and Toyota. We compete with cities in North America and the United Kingdom for this market. It's very lucrative, very big and it's growing."

She says the Chinese incentive travellers want a combination of experiences that include activities, team-building exercises, galas and shopping. Mostly, she says, they like the blue skies and being able to see the stars at night.

The corporate groups can hit Sydney like a tsunami. This year a group from Nu Skin numbered more than 4000 people, who were based around Darling Harbour in a series of events, spectaculars and activities.

"All of them climbed the Harbour Bridge," says Lewis-Smith. "These are significant events."

In Australia in 2013/14, the incentive travel market generated $1.7 billion in direct revenues alone, not counting ancillary spending.

Lewis-Smith says Australian governments and industry have to stay focused on the growing business event-exports and realise that it's worth competing for. Not only does business tourism generate revenues for those directly and indirectly involved, but she says there are high levels of people choosing to relocate to Australia having visited with a business event.

$56 million boost

"Last year, more than $56 million went into Sydney's economy from 33 incentive events. Forty per cent was from spending on shopping, dining and attractions and 30 per cent was spent on clothing, handbags and shoes with top tier brands. In the past three years, Business Events Sydney has injected $213 million to the economy by securing and delivering more than 45,000 of these delegates into NSW."

The tales of China's slowing growth have hardly hit our wine industry. Chief executive of Wine Australia, Andreas Clark, calls China the "powerhouse" of growth in the Australia wine industry.

When combined with Hong Kong, China now buys in excess of $500 million of wine each year from Australia, meaning 50 per cent sales growth in the last financial year and 71 per cent growth in the all-important over-$10 per bottle segment.

"We now have the highest average dollar per litre sales into China of any exporting nation," says Clark. "We're earning more per litre than France, which has a few premium brands but is mainly selling low-cost."

Clark says the Chinese thirst for Australian wine is to do with the growing wealth and a new generation of young professionals in the east coast cities who see wine as an aspirational product, along with handbags and cars.

"We hold about 30 events each year in China, and we're seeing these young people who are really interested in Australian wines and varieties," he says. "They want to learn and understand."

He says the popular varieties in China are Australian reds – shiraz, cabernet and merlot – and the Chinese market particularly favours Australia's reputation for clean, safe, high-quality food and beverage.

However, while the China market is booming, he says Australian countries will have to accept that since wine is driven by younger, more sophisticated Chinese, they prefer to buy online.

"We've just done a deal with Ali Baba to get Australian wine online in China," says Clark. "They have this incredible culture of jumping on the internet and ordering a few things, and these couriers bring it straight over. To succeed in this market will mean accepting the online channel."

Clark says the sales of Australian wine are up in Korea by 29 per cent and in Thailand by 24 per cent.