After diving into the sea, MD Matthew Cameron-Smith saw why no one was swimming

If someone is wearing a name tag, use their name and you'll get better service, says Matthew Cameron-Smith.
If someone is wearing a name tag, use their name and you'll get better service, says Matthew Cameron-Smith. Supplied

The lifeguards went nuts when Trafalgar Australia MD Matthew Cameron-Smith dived into the water off a beach in Helsinki. Later he learnt the water was full of potentially toxic blue-green algae. He answers our Traveller Q&A.;

First, business or economy?

Always economy for domestic travel. I believe Australians are fortunate to have the calibre of domestic service we have with Qantas and Virgin. As for long haul, it's hard to beat a flat bed and even harder to go back once you've experienced it.

Most frequented destination?

Over the past 10 years, I've been very fortunate to spend more than an average amount of time in Italy and have absolutely loved it. Whether I'm there on business or for pleasure, it's impossible not to enjoy Italian hospitality.

Favourite airport?

It's hard to choose as there has been so much improvement and investment lately, but I always enjoy Abu Dhabi airport.

If I ran my own airline I would...

Work to standardise the sensitivity of the security scanners. It drives me crazy to pass through one airport seamlessly only to be held up at the next when nothing has changed.

Where would you go with a million air miles?

On an around-the-world trip with my family.

Best trip ever?

Last year, we had a family holiday in Italy, taking in Rome, Florence and Venice. We went to the gladiator school in Rome and learnt the ways of ancient Rome, skipped the queues at the Vatican and made our own pizzas. The kids still talk about it as "the best holiday ever".

Worst place you've been lost?

That's a tough one as I have a poor sense of direction. Probably Beijing, as most of the buildings looked so similar and I totally lost my bearings.

Most memorable overseas dining?

Fresh pasta in a little restaurant owned by one of our travel directors in Sorrento in Italy. It was handmade buffalo mozzarella ravioli in an amazing tomato sauce. The simple things are often the best and this was incredible.

In the suitcase?

Running shoes. And in my carry-on, always enough for the first day, just in case.

First thing you do in a new city?

Shake off the flight and get my blood flowing by going for a run.

How do you make the most of a spare afternoon in a strange city?

I should say I go for a run, but the truth is I would find a local wine bar and soak up my new surroundings.

Cure for jet lag?

Exercise and fresh air. I think it's important to flow with how your body feels, but still always set my watch to the time of my destination the minute my flight takes off.

Other travel tips?

Drink lots of water. And, if someone is wearing a name badge, then always refer to them by name. The service is always better when you do.

What technology do you use?

Slimline Toshiba laptop with great battery life, and an iPhone.

Best overseas purchase?

Shoes from Italy.

Best travel tale

I once found myself in Helsinki for the weekend over summer and thought I would go for a swim in the ocean. I waded out and wondered why no one else was swimming even though the beach was packed. It was shallow so I dived in, which caused the lifeguards to go nuts. I tried to explain I was an Australian and could swim. Back at the hotel, the concierge explained the dangers of seasonal blue-green algae – then it all made sense.

Best thing about travelling?

It expands your horizons and opens your mind to other cultures. The history of Europe never ceases to amaze me.

Top travel gripe?

Probably delays – I like to be on time.