Cycling tips: Viva Energy general manager Dan Ridgway on the joys of hills

Like many cyclists in Melbourne, Dan Ridgway has lost a fair bit of skin to the tram tracks.
Like many cyclists in Melbourne, Dan Ridgway has lost a fair bit of skin to the tram tracks. Supplied

Viva Energy's Dan Ridgway loves riding on quiet roads in the hills, and recommends the climb up beautiful Mount Donna Buang. He answers our Time Out Q&A.;

How did you get started as a cyclist?

My brother had upgraded to a new road bike and offered to "lend" me his old Giant OCR bike as a trial. I never gave it back.

How many bikes and how do you know when you have too many?

I have three bikes: two road bikes and a mountain bike. At the moment, I have the Giant set up on the indoor trainer, my Cannondale SuperSix EVO for training and social rides, and the mountain bike for riding with the family. Can you have too many bikes?

How much did they cost?

My Cannondale cost around $4000.

Kind of riding?

I try to commute to work – which is about 30 kilometres each way – at least once a week. I have at least one longer training/social ride on the weekend with friends. We usually meet around 6.30am and head out towards Emerald or Kinglake (both outside Melbourne).

Do you stop at a stop sign if there is no one around?

Yes. It's the car you don't see that might hit you.

Tips to become a better rider?

Take tips from someone better qualified than me.

Kilometres a week?

I ride about 150 kilometres a week, although when I'm training for Around the Bay, I do a bit more.

Person you'd most like to go on a long ride with?

I'm a massive fan of Richie Porte, so it would be a privilege to ride with him and get some climbing tips, although it's unlikely I could keep up for very long.

Favourite refuel station?

Emerald Bakery in the Dandenongs is a fantastic mid-ride stop. It's always full of cyclists at 7am on a Saturday morning and a cake is guilt-free on a long ride.

Favourite cycling gear?

My Craft Elite weather jersey. It keeps you warm and dry in any weather.

Favourite ride?

I love riding on quiet roads in the hills. The climb up Mount Donna Buang in the Victorian Alps is beautiful. I like to try out new routes whenever possible.

Crashes? Catastrophes?

Luckily, the worst I've had to date is losing a fair bit of skin when I came off my road bike crossing tram tracks in Melbourne. Now I give them more respect.

If you could improve one thing about the world of cycling, what would it be?

Punctures – there's nothing worse on a ride than having to stop and change a tube.