Kerri SackvilleCuenta verificada


Writer. Constantly surprised. Latest book ‘Out There: A Survival Guide for Dating in Midlife’

Se unió en marzo de 2009


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  1. Tweet fijado
    12 abr. 2018
  2. Good morning to everyone except the salesman who told me it would be ‘dead easy’ to instal this new software which - surprise of all surprises - IS NOT FUCKING INSTALLING

  3. My car was just repaired after a smash and they cleaned it for me! 5 stars. Recommended. Will definitely smash again.

  4. 18 oct.

    Good morning to everyone except my milk frother which is dead oh the pain the pain

  5. 18 oct.

    Me in department store: Ooh, I just remembered I have a $10 Myer voucher! Here you go! Sales assistant: Madam, this is David Jones.

  6. 18 oct.

    Me after every Tinder date:

  7. 18 oct.

    Tween girls laugh a lot at absolutely nothing. Seems like an excellent way to live.

  8. 17 oct.

    That day-after-your-birthday feeling when you go from VIP to ordinary citizen. Really hope I can share it with soon.

  9. 17 oct.
  10. 17 oct.

    Because it’s my bday I’ve had chocolate and lollies and hot chips and calamari and pasta and ice cream and none of it has any calories today. Fact.

  11. 16 oct.

    On the eve of yet another birthday, as I speed through middle age, let me say this: You can be deeply grateful for the privilege of being alive and still struggle with growing old. One has very little to do with the other.

  12. 16 oct.

    This episode may actually feature me. Clearly, you can also be unlucky in love.

  13. 15 oct.

    If POTUS is the leader of the free world, shouldn’t everyone in the free world get to vote? I know I’d very much like to have a say.

  14. 15 oct.

    Why does no laptop spark joy in me like my electric typewriter used to?

  15. 15 oct.

    A friend bought me a peerage for my upcoming birthday. I expect it will significantly increase my hit rate on Tinder. Who doesn’t want to be Lord of my manor?

  16. 14 oct.

    I could really use some faith right now. Anyone know how to cultivate some? Are there seeds I can buy?

  17. 14 oct.

    My son’s friend left a bottle of gin in our fridge. Would it be wrong of me to drink it? Jokes, already did.

  18. 14 oct.

    No one talks about the impact of technology in schools on the PARENTS. My kid emails me ten times a day. She’s emailing right now. This is an egregious breach of my right to free time. Back to pen and ink, I say.

  19. 13 oct.
  20. 13 oct.

    Our society has lost all sense of nuance. Everything is black and white, good or bad, right or wrong, and it’s astonishing how quickly a person or idea can be relegated from one to the other. BAM.

  21. 12 oct.

    I so feel for Gladys. If I’d had the world learn about all my bad romantic choices I’d be in an institution by now. Go easy, folks.


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