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north america / mexico / indigenous struggles Friday November 04, 2016 14:04 byWayne Price
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The Standing Rock Sioux in the U.S. have been fighting against the construction of a major gas pipeline which would threaten their water supply and violate their sacred sites. They have organized popular direct action against the construction company and the state and inspired people throughout the country and the world.

italia / svizzera / movimento anarchico Wednesday November 02, 2016 15:26 byAlternativa Libertaria/FdCA
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In questi 30 anni AL/fdca ha cercato costantemente di agire e proporsi come organizzazione politica coesa e responsabile i/le cui militanti siano parte naturale degli organismi di massa, del sindacato, dei movimenti, dello sperimentare alternative possibili per essere al loro interno volano ed orientamento delle idee, organizzatori dal basso della forza collettiva di lotta e della solidarietà, per contribuire allo sviluppo e radicamento dei movimenti sociali contro la guerra ed il militarismo, contro il liberismo, contro lo sfruttamento e la mercificazione di persone e risorse, contro il razzismo e la riduzione in schiavitù di donne e uomini, contro le discriminazioni sessiste ed il patriarcato, portandovi prassi e contenuti a carattere anticapitalistico, antiautoritario ed antifascista.

Per contribuire alla costruzione di un fronte sociale delle forze di opposizione e rivendicative che sappia accumulare capacità di lotta, di contropotere e di progettualità edificatrice dell'alternativa libertaria.

bolivia / peru / ecuador / chile / género Sunday October 30, 2016 18:03 byMelissa Sepúlveda
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Estas últimas semanas, las redes sociales se han llenado de rabia y frustración al hacerse evidente, una vez más, lo que ocurre hace muchísimo tiempo: tortura, violaciones y asesinatos de mujeres, por el solo hecho de ser mujeres. Van y vienen comentarios en todas direcciones. Reacciones organizadas por parte de mujeres en todo el mundo convocan a marchas, concentraciones y actividades bajo la consigna “Ni Una Menos”. Y también, por el otro lado, han surgido reacciones viscerales de hombres que, queriendo jugar al empate, levantan la consigna absurda de “nadie menos”, evidenciando que no es tan fácil, ni si quiera cuando hablamos del asesinato de mujeres, que “ellos” abandonen sus privilegios de dominación. Hoy es cada vez más claro que esta guerra silenciosa es una cuestión de vida o muerte, y la reflexión es la primera herramienta que tenemos para combatir esta extensa historia de dominación patriarcal.

brazil/guyana/suriname/fguiana / repression / prisoners Tuesday October 25, 2016 14:23 byfarj
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The Campaign for the Freedom of Rafael Braga makes a call for collectives, movements and popular organizations all over the world to join us in the International Campaign for the Freedom of Rafael Braga.

One of the main issued raised by the Campaign is the motivation behind the arrest of Rafael Braga. He was arrested and condemened in 2013 even without being a protester. He was arrested because he is Black and poor. Because he is not an activist, no mobilizations were made at the time and he was tried and condemned very quickly. Even after his sentencing, the mobilization around his case never achieved the level of the mobilizations around the case of other arrests of militants in 2013 and 2014. Rafael is a symbol of the penal selectivity and structural racism of the justice system of Brazil.


amerik santral / karayib / miscellaneous Tuesday October 18, 2016 05:46 byENTERÈ POPILÈ
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Nou pap pale ak nèg ki nan tèt jwèt yo nan sitiyasyon global peyi a: granboujwa, grandon, granmanjè, ideyològ sousou yo, ansanm ak mèt yo tout: enpeyalis yo. Nan sitiyasyon dezas siklonn Matyou blayi anwo popilasyon a an jeneral, nou pap pale ak klas sosyal ki nan tèt jwèt yo nan sitiyasyon global peyi a. Se poutèt, tou dabò, se mas popilè yo ki touche vre. Sila nou tande yo rekòmanse ap rele: “pi defavorize yo”. Poutan, se “pi defavorize” lòt bò dlo yo ki voye pi fò, si se pa prèske tout, nan transfè dyaspora a; menm jan se “pi defavorize yo” (ti peyizan, travayè tout kalite, ouvriye, ti machann...) ki pwodyi epi redistribye tout richès sou teritwa a; kidonk, ki, vreman vre, pòte peyi a sou do yo. Si se yo ki pi touche anba siklonn lan: se poutèt, presizeman, se yo ki... “pi defavorize”.

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Employees at the Zarfati Garage in Mishur Adumim vote to strike on July 22, 2014. (Photo courtesy of Ma’an workers union)

Employees at the Zarfati Garage in Mishur Adumim vote to strike on July 22, 2014. (Photo courtesy of Ma’an workers union)

Sun 13 Nov, 21:20

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