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venezuela / colombia / miscellaneous Saturday June 25, 2016 20:02 by Víctor Vallejos & Juan Williams
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El presente artículo, constituye un humilde intento de aportar a un balance crítico del proceso de cambio en Venezuela y su situación política actual. No pretende ser un documento exhaustivo y reconocemos que presenta limitaciones teóricas. Nuestro análisis parte de una mirada abiertamente militante, que echa raíces y se reconoce en el comunismo libertario. Gran parte de estas reflexiones, surgen a partir de una serie de entrevistas a militantes y organizaciones sociales y políticas venezolanas, las cuales fueron realizadas en Caracas y en el Estado de Lara, durante el mes de febrero de este año.

ireland / britain / community struggles Monday June 13, 2016 20:51 by Workers Solidarity Movement
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Our hearts ache for the victims of the homophobic hate crime that took place over the weekend in Orlando, Florida where a gunman attacked an LGBT+ club killing 50 and wounding over 50 more. Much has been asked by us and by other left queers about the LGBT+ community, whether it exists and if it exists why don’t we feel a part of it. Sadly it is at times like these that we become aware of its existence. When people are considered deviants and deserving of a murderous assault for their sexuality, a trait all of us in the community share, we cannot but come together in sadness and in mourning.

mashriq / arabia / iraq / workplace struggles Wednesday June 01, 2016 16:59 by Ilan S. (ed.)
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Palestinian workers are one of the most forgotten and abandoned social categories whether in the political. economical or social contexts, Almost all Palestinian workers suffer from Various sides: the Palestinian Authority, the Zionist state, and Israeli and Palestinian bosses, its noticeable that the worker’s rights. stability and future are roughly mentioned in the policies of the two conflicted Entities. since neither one of them gave any importance to reflect on the issue of Palestinian workers. besides. this point was not Discussed as it should in the Palestinian-Israeli negotiations. note that according to the Palestinian Central Bureau of Statistics ; the number of Palestinian workers in Israel is estimated of 105 thousand workers which constitutes 2.2% of the labor force in Israel and about 11.7% of the size of the labor force in the West Bank .

north america / mexico / the left Thursday May 19, 2016 01:28 by Michael Reagan
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Business as usual for socialist faces in high places

2016 is shaping up to be a year of social movements: Black Lives Matter, trans-equity, teachers and workers struggles. It is also an election year, and one candidate, Bernie Sanders, has activists and organizers across the country “feeling the bern.” But is the enthusiasm justified, will electing good politicians lead to substantial change?

The case of Kshama Sawant shows that no matter how good the candidate, business as usual rules in elected office.

This article is part of an ongoing series called “Socialist faces in high places” looking at the left in relation to the electoral path and state power.

france / belgique / luxembourg / luttes en milieu de travail Sunday May 01, 2016 02:42 by Coordination des Groupes Anarchistes
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Face à cette situation, la réponse des travailleur-ses, des chômeurs-euses et de la jeunesse ne peut être que de massifier encore le mouvement lors des prochaines journées de mobilisation. Mais si le nombre de manifestant-e-s est un moyen de pression, seul il ne suffira pas à faire reculer le gouvernement. Aujourd'hui, comme en 2010, ce qui fait réagir les gouvernants, c'est l'instauration d'un rapport de force, c'est quand on s'attaque aux porte-feuilles et qu'il y a un risque sérieux de blocage de l'économie. Ceci ne peut se faire qu'en multipliant des grèves qui se maintiennent dans le temps, partout où cela est possible.
Pour ne pas se disperser et s'épuiser, parce que réfléchir à la société de demain ne doit pas faire oublier qu'il y a un premier combat à gagner aujourd'hui, nous devons faire converger les initiatives existantes, investir et multiplier les espaces de construction du mouvement comme les Nuits Debout ou les assemblées générales.

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Employees at the Zarfati Garage in Mishur Adumim vote to strike on July 22, 2014. (Photo courtesy of Ma’an workers union)

Employees at the Zarfati Garage in Mishur Adumim vote to strike on July 22, 2014. (Photo courtesy of Ma’an workers union)

Sat 12 Nov, 23:05

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