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The rabble blogs's picture
CRTC goes full-Internet with #EndDataCaps Reddit consultation | Sep 29 2016 | Katy Anderson | Make their #2016 effort pay off (so they do it again) -- weigh in on the online forum now, all while speaking out against differential pricing.
Behind The Numbers's picture
Canada-EU trade deal will result in job losses, lower wages and worse inequality | Sep 29 2016 | Hadrian Mertins-Kirkwood | As governments in Europe debate CETA's merits this fall, it may be time for Canadians and their representatives in Parliament to take a second look at this supposedly "progressive" agreement.
Krystalline Kraus's picture
Meet the Climate Warrior defending her land against a $58-billion pipeline corporation | Sep 29 2016 | Krystalline Kraus | For her direct action, Vanessa Gray has been charged with counts of Mischief Over $5,000 and Mischief Endangering Life.
Penney Kome's picture
Canada's Charter is helping to create a language of rights around the world | Sep 29 2016 | Penney Kome | UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous People draws gender equality language from Canada's Charter of Rights.
Sep 15 2016
New collection "In This Together: Fifteen Stories of Truth and Reconciliation" describes what reconciliation can mean to the individual. But are words enough? Our reviewer says it's time for action.
Sep 8 2016
'Forbidden Fruit' is Gail Pellett's raw and highly personal memoir of the year, mid-1980 to mid-1981, when she lived in Beijing as China was just emerging from its decade-long Cultural Revolution.
Aug 25 2016
All the Liberals had to do was construct legislation that complied with the Supreme Court ruling. But instead they bungled the file on assisted dying. Here's what happened.

Current rabble poll

Which broken Liberal promise most reminds you of Stephen Harper?

If Gerry Caplan is right, the shine is starting to wear off Prime Minister Justin Trudeau's Liberals. This week, Environment Minister Catherine McKenna approved the controversial Pacific Northwest LNG plant in British Columbia, enraging environmentalists and Indigenous leaders who trusted Trudeau when he promised a new deal for Canada's First Nations and real action on climate change.

We suspected from election day that Trudeau's promises were far from ironclad (timely then that our Parliamentary Correspondent Karl Nerenberg returns this month). The Liberal Party, and particularly Trudeau who currently stands unchallenged by the two leaderless parties facing him in the House, have enjoyed high approval ratings in the polls. But with this latest flip-flop, the broken promises are starting to stack up.

Maybe you're sad about some of them. Maybe (probably) some of them make you pretty angry. Maybe you're disappointed or maybe you're just pretty pleased you can finally say "I told you so." But which broken promise makes you forget that we ever had an election at all?

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