US Politics


Image: NASA Goddard Space Flight Center/flickr
As Hurricane Matthew hurtles toward Florida, climate change goes undebated in U.S. election | Oct 6 2016 | Amy Goodman, Denis Moynihan | Climate change is real, and it is worsening. That it should play a central role in the U.S. elections is undebatable.
Image: Wikimedia Commons
U.S. liberals have long history of punishing not-quite-left enough candidates. This time the world can't afford it | Oct 5 2016 | Gerry Caplan | If Trump hasn't by now traumatized you enough to get on board for Hillary, you'll deserve everything that's coming after November.
Image: Bill B/flickr
Instead of panicking, we need to think our way through the U.S. election | Sep 30 2016 | Rick Salutin | In politics, we tend to see what we want or need to. You're looking for an outcome, yearning for it. What, though, of political cases that require actual thought, not prejudgments?
Image: Bill B/flickr
Gratifying to see snarling bully publicly humiliated as Clinton triumphs over Trump | Sep 30 2016 | Linda McQuaig | The U.S. election is far from over, but Monday's faceoff was a crucial battle in that campaign, and it fell to the first woman candidate in U.S. presidential history to take a dangerous bully down.
Photo: meesh/flickr
A prisoners' rights movement is rippling out from a solitary-confinement cell | Sep 29 2016 | Amy Goodman, Denis Moynihan | The U.S. has less than 5 per cent of the world's population and almost 25 per cent of the world's prisoners. Now a national movement is growing for prisoners' rights.
Hillary Clinton in a bright red top against the blue debate background.
Clinton's debate performance excels -- like a man's, except done 'backwards, and in high heels' | Sep 28 2016 | Penney Kome | Hillary Clinton proves Ann Richardson's dictum, by dancing circles around Donald Trump.
Photo: United Nations Photo/flickr
UN refugee summit shines light on global crisis | Sep 22 2016 | Amy Goodman, Denis Moynihan | The number of people suffering forced displacement today is staggering -- the greatest flow of refugees since the Second World War. It is in this context that the UN convened its refugee summit.
Hate Hat
Media scolding about 'political correctness' is baloney; hats off to MRU student who spoke out against Trump cap | Sep 19 2016 | David J. Climenhaga | Anyone surprised by the viciousness with which North American rightists respond to anything they don't like, particularly when their target is a woman, hasn't been paying attention.
Raoul Peck on Class Economics, "I Am Not Our Negro" and White Privilege.
Raoul Peck on class economics, new film 'I Am Not Your Negro' and white privilege | Sep 19 2016 | Face2Face | Raoul and I talk about white privilege, consumerism and class economics, apathy and ignorance and how most issues are not about guilt, but about "knowing."
Donald Trump's Katrina moment | Sep 17 2016 | Penney Kome | The media started pushing back against Trump this week when he used a campaign news conference to promote a new hotel.
Poster image: White Pine Pictures
Amy Goodman: Corporate media needs to be 'fourth estate' not 'for-the-state' | Sep 16 2016 | Phillip Dwight Morgan | What is the role of free press in protecting democracy? Phillip Dwight Morgan interviews Amy Goodman and Nermeen Shaikh of Democracy Now! on the subject.
Image: Flickr/Gage Skidmore
Sorry, but Donald Trump will probably beat Hillary Clinton in November | Sep 16 2016 | Rafe Mair | Of course, this would be any enormous worldwide tragedy and we must pray that there is a God and He will save us.

on babble

The Trump phenomenon 2 mark_alfred said... Good article by Wente....
2016 Presidential election campaign 3 NorthReport said... So how much money can Trump steal in the election campaign
The United States of Atrocity part 2 ikosmos said... Conservative Paul Craig Roberts: The US Government Tortures Children. ... and here's the HRW Report...
Dallas police officers gunned down mark_alfred said...
America, wake up: It's time to repeal the Second Amendment NorthReport said... See the excellent article today by Constitutional Law Professor Cohen in Rolling Stone in
2016 presidential election campaign 2 iyraste1313 said...   Trump Picks Former Goldman Partner And Soros Employee As Finance ChairmanSubmitted by Tyler...
The Trump phenomenon NorthReport said... in
Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia dead at age 79 NorthReport said... So Obama now will get to appoint his third SC justice. His first two appts were women - Sonia...
Sing a Song for Sanders Aristotleded24 said... With Bernie Sanders sruging in popular support for his run for President, what he needs to really...
Should Stephen Harper be prosecuted for obstruction of Justice in Bruce Gorcyca fake extradition case? Just A Moment said... P.S.  Mike Huxtable is a Canadian an dpersonal friend of Harper's for more than a decade. He... feeds

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in cahoots

National Union of Public and General Employees
U.S. Justice Department ending use of private prisons for federal inmates
The U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) is phasing out the use of privately owned prisons for federal prisoners. Over the next 5 years 13 private prison contracts will be reviewed and allowed to expire.

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