Lynn WilliamsWelcome to the Lynn Williams Activist Toolkit, an exciting new project of currently in Beta. The Toolkit is a wiki-style section of the rabble site devoted to content collaboration. It contains a growing number of encyclopedic resources that you can write. The Toolkit is named after activist, organizer, and labour leader, Lynn Williams, whose commitment to social justice has inpired generations of United Steeworker activists.  Read more about Lynn Williams here. Participate in the Toolkit!  See our User Guide, and please check out the toolkit blog and podcast

  • Gun violence in the United States is out of control.  It has been for far too long.  In June 2016, after the Orlando shootings, United States House of Representative Democrats staged a...

Constructing Change Podcast

Toolkit Blog

  • In May 2016, the Liberal government is proposed that a special committee study the alternatives for reforming first past the post voting and report back to the House of Commons by Dec. 1.   After some initial hiccups, the committee is meeting and working.  Find out more about proportional representation here and read this article to see what the outcomes of the 2015 federal election may have been if we voted through proportional representation instead of a first past the post...

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