Wayne MacPhail
Oct 5 2016 | At the Association of Science and Technology Centers conference, two products stuck out. One created virtual reality, the other augmented reality. Both were imagination prosthetics for adults.
David Christopher
Oct 4 2016 | It's here. The Liberal government has finally launched its long-awaited public consultation on Bill C-51, and a broad range of privacy and national security issues.
Murray Dobbin
Sep 30 2016 | If recent mainstream economic reports are to be taken seriously, some of the big brains managing global capitalism these days are starting to lose faith in their neoliberal ideology.
Rick Salutin
Sep 30 2016 | In politics, we tend to see what we want or need to. You're looking for an outcome, yearning for it. What, though, of political cases that require actual thought, not prejudgments?
Linda McQuaig
Sep 30 2016 | The U.S. election is far from over, but Monday's faceoff was a crucial battle in that campaign, and it fell to the first woman candidate in U.S. presidential history to take a dangerous bully down.
Shelina Ali
Sep 29 2016 | An inquiry into the conduct of Federal Court Judge Robin Camp when he presided over a sexual assault trial raises some hard questions about the impartiality of the Canadian justice system.
Amy Goodman
Sep 29 2016 | The U.S. has less than 5 per cent of the world's population and almost 25 per cent of the world's prisoners. Now a national movement is growing for prisoners' rights.
Naomi Klein
Sep 28 2016 | We have a new federal government, a new tone around First Nations and the environment. But when it comes to concrete action on lowering emissions and respecting land rights, much remains the same.
Lois Ross
Sep 27 2016 | Land use, access to agricultural land, and who stewards land, are key issues in food production. Land-grabbing is a growing concern because it determines not only access but also how land is used.
Matthew Behrens
Sep 23 2016 | Trudeau's cheery offer at the UN to bring peace to the world fell flat in light of his government's "principled" commitment to sell billions in weapons and blanket militarism.
Rick Salutin
Sep 23 2016 | Tens of thousands of Jews migrated to Canada in the first part of the past century. That community, in Toronto, is described in a lovely, loving new book by the late Michael Mandel: The Jewish Hour.
June Chua
Sep 22 2016 | Tangled Art Gallery in Toronto is opening its first-ever installation, featuring the work of local artist Gloria Swain and focusing on her experience as a Black woman in the mental health system.
Amy Goodman
Sep 22 2016 | The number of people suffering forced displacement today is staggering -- the greatest flow of refugees since the Second World War. It is in this context that the UN convened its refugee summit.
Wayne MacPhail
Sep 21 2016 | The ideograms of Chinese, Egyptian and Sumerian texts all demonstrate how powerful a picture-based language can be. Maybe all we've really done with emojis is come full circle.
Murray Dobbin
Sep 16 2016 | If global trade isn't going to pull the world economy out of its persistent doldrums, why are countries putting so much political energy into signing these agreements?