Ex-ANZ director John Dahlsen says bank culture, competition still need repair

Former ANZ director John Dahlsen says there is a large unsatisfied demand from SMEs for bank credit.
Former ANZ director John Dahlsen says there is a large unsatisfied demand from SMEs for bank credit. Wayne Taylor

As parliament enters its three-week recess, bankers are feeling a combination of relief, schadenfreude and apprehension about the political scene. 

The relief was palpable when the government fended off the vote for a banking royal commission; the mood then changed to pleasure at the misfortune of Labor Senator Sam Dastyari, a vocal bank critic, who fell on his sword after an expenses scandal. 

Yet despite these "wins", banks remain edgy. Labor seems unlikely to give up on its push for a judicial inquiry into banking culture, as banks remain on the nose among the public. Questions are also being raised about the efficacy of the government's plan to give the corporate regulator more powers and to put bank chiefs before a parliamentary committee along with the culture reviews kicked off by the Australian Bankers' Association

As politicians decamp from Canberra, one veteran corporate director and former board member of a big bank, John Dahlsen, says the coming weeks provide an opportunity for introspection. He doubts the ABA reviews into pay, the industry code of conduct and complaints processes are going to appease the public given their piecemeal nature and tight timelines. He also reckons a royal commission will fail to reform culture with the only winners from that process being members of the legal profession. 

S&P/ASX 200 Bank Index
S&P;/ASX 200 Bank Index

Competition and remuneration inquiry

Rather, Dahlsen, who spent 15 years as a director of ANZ Banking Group, says that unless a new path is created, banks will remain a hot-button political issue until the next election. A new inquiry should focus on the lack of competition in the highly-concentrated banking industry and how remuneration incentives drive staff to put sharemarket performance above the needs of customers, he says. 

"It is very difficult, with all the political noise, to get to the bottom of things, but until you do, the noise won't go away. Let me tell you, this is going to roll on for a long time because there's a lot of dissatisfaction with banks at all levels." 

Dahlsen, 81, is also the former chairman of Woolworths and co-founder of Southern Cross Broadcasting. He also remains tapped into the small business community as owner of Australia's largest independent hardware chain, JC Dahlsen.

One of his main worries is the sameness of Australia's major banks. Supervision by the Australian Prudential Regulation Authority has resulted in their asset mix being roughly the same. Loans for housing comprise about two-thirds of total bank loans, more than the rate in other jurisdictions, while the big four hold about 80 per cent of Australia's banking assets, with the level of concentration increasing since the 1990s.

Coalition members return to the House on September 1 to fend off a vote on the royal commission.
Coalition members return to the House on September 1 to fend off a vote on the royal commission. Andrew Meares

"Unless you have a wide range of banks, you can't get innovation," he says. "What is happening is APRA is defining and limiting the way banks compete. It makes banks cagey and they get no marks for doing something different or attacking a particular sector." 

While this policy has helped to create a resilient and stable banking system, it has also resulted in a vast, unsatisfied demand from small businesses for bank credit, he says, because many companies are being prevented from borrowing due to the major bank's standardised, conservative and inflexible approach to assessing credit risk.

FSI weak on competition, culture

Three months after the Coalition defeated Labor in September 2013, it announced its financial system inquiry, chaired by former Commonwealth Bank boss David Murray. But Dahlsen says its recommendations on enhancing competition and culture were weak. He reckons this reflects the role of Treasury, the Reserve Bank and APRA in the inquiry, given their focus on limiting systemic risk as opposed to protecting consumers. 

APRA encourages banks to be the same big building societies, Dahlsen says.
APRA encourages banks to be the same big building societies, Dahlsen says. John Woudstra

The very low level of bad debts in the banking system reflects a massive de-risking and conservatism, where lending decisions are based on strict rules and "if you don't satisfy the rules, you can't get anywhere", he says.  

Meanwhile, the quest to maintain record profits and return on equity has dramatically increased the pressure on bank staff. This view is supported by the Finance Sector Union, which told the a review of remuneration set up by the ABA that staff are being pushed to sell products that don't align with the needs of customers. A survey of FSU members found 71 per cent of bank staff think product and performance-based pay has undermined public trust in the industry. This follows a study by Macquarie University last year that found half of the staff in Australian banks believe remuneration plans encourage unacceptable risk taking

Dahlsen acknowledges that banks are victims of the market's short-termism. "The market requires quarterly reports and really drives and influences the behaviour of the large listed companies, particularly the banks," he says. "If there is a slight reduction in ROE or the growth rate slows down, the analysts are all over them and they get criticised and marked down." 

But the huge disparity between bank senior executive pay packets and what the average banker takes home is becoming more stark and Dahlsen reckons the market might welcome a bank breaking out to manage the business for the longer term, although this would "involve a huge change in the way a bank works". 

The ideal inquiry

The bipartisan appointment of someone like Professor Ian Harper, who is highly respected in competition policy, alongside a senior business person who is not a former banker but who understands how remuneration systems affect behaviour, could provide the way forward, he says. The inquiry could be run by some combination of the Productivity Commission and the new competition policy unit recommended by Harper, which the government has agreed to establish. 

"This doesn't need to follow the pattern of other inquiries. There is a way of doing things differently, and what is required is to explain what is happening." 

How the big four bank chiefs perform in front of the committee in Canberra, which will take place in the first week of October, may determine the trajectory of the political debate about banks. As a former insider, Dahlsen understands the enormous impact banks have on the economy. But he says the public has very little knowledge about their internal operations and what drives bank decisions about who is worthy of their loans. 

"We don't know what their attitude is to various kinds of risk. In my view, that information should be in the marketplace, because then it can be debated and challenged and this could lead to modified policies. If that was out in the market, it would also lead to a more efficient allocation of capital."