The government comes from behind on superannuation

Still a big hole to fill: Treasurer Scott Morrison and Minister for Financial Services Kelly O'Dwyer.
Still a big hole to fill: Treasurer Scott Morrison and Minister for Financial Services Kelly O'Dwyer. Andrew Meares

Scott Morrison and Kelly O'Dwyer call their revamped super proposals "improvements" to make super "even fairer, more flexible and more sustainable".

This description got them a round of applause in a suddenly called party room meeting on Thursday but Morrison should not expect too much enduring gratitude from Coalition backbenchers.

The best that can be said is that the Treasurer finally stopped digging – deep into the Coalition base. It still leaves a pretty big hole to fill in.

The main change is that there will no longer be any hard $500,000 lifetime cap, backdated to 2007 no less, on after-tax superannuation contributions. Out of the various superannuation "reforms" announced by the Treasurer on budget night, this was the most deeply offensive to many Coalition supporters in principle – as well as being counter-productive in practice. 

It also provided Labor with an unexpected political opening. Bill Shorten could condemn the government for attempting to introduce "retrospective" legislation. Dear, dear, dear.

With that truly lousy idea belatedly abandoned, the government is claiming a major achievement. Despite the pretence of Labor outrage at the government breaking election commitments, the opposition will find it very difficult to do other than back the superannuation package – meaning the changes can pass the Senate.

Impression of pragmatism

So along with this week's deal with Labor on some relatively modest but important budget savings, it allows the government to declare this Parliament is actually getting things done. The political importance of selling that impression of pragmatism to the public is actually more valuable than the money involved.

Malcolm Turnbull insisted that despite the pantomime of question time, it was good for all Australians to know that "with a little less grandstanding, a little less name calling and a little more constructive negotiation, we can achieve great things for Australians and their future". 

Let's not take that happy scenario of continuing compromise too seriously. (We won't even mention same-sex marriage.)

Temporarily forgetting any appeal to bipartisanship over super, for example, the Prime Minister promptly berated Labor for doing nothing on reform as opposed to his government "taking it out of the too-hard basket".

"My government has acted," he insisted.

Chris Bowen promptly condemned the Prime Minister over reneging on his "absolutely iron clad" promise the previous super package would not be changed because it could not survive the "extremists" in his own party. He omitted to mention the extremists in the Senate.

"What a pathetic response from the opposition," Turnbull said dismissively, defending the government's willingness to improve on reforms by consulting and listening to others – including to Labor's complaints about retrospectivity. "All suggestions gratefully received."

Muddled process

Well, not quite. Not taking suggestions was how Morrison got the government into so much trouble in the first place. 

Kelly O'Dwyer proudly quoted praise from various industry superannuation groups, including Industry Super Australia's description of it as a "workable compromise". Under normal circumstances, the Minister for Financial Services is far more likely to criticise the ISA and industry funds for following the unions' agenda.

But then this whole process has been a muddle all around – a bit of short-term budget repair work, along with a politically convenient claim to "fairness", posing as long-term superannuation reform. 

As Treasurer, Morrison wanted to reduce the "revenue foregone" in superannuation tax concessions. He also particularly wanted to limit the amount of money permitted in concessionally taxed superannuation accounts, especially when this was effectively tax free for those in retirement. It was a Treasury wish come true.

In basic terms, he wanted to use part of the money saved to provide more super assistance to lower income earners (tick, fairness) and part of it to add a few sticking plasters to a bleeding budget bottom line (tick, fiscal responsibility).

Damage control

But he badly over-reached, especially on the lifetime cap on contributions and raising the spectre of retrospectivity. For all the government's insistence this only directly affected a tiny percentage of people, it massively damaged broader public trust in the system. That breach won't be neatly sutured by this new deal.

This still retains the $1.6 million cap that can be kept in a tax-advantaged super account from next July. But people can contribute up to $100,000 after tax every year and $25,000 at a concessional rate until they reach that limit.

The government can still claim about the same amount of savings because it has delayed or restricted some other measures that were supposed to increase "flexibility".  Its other main interest was to insulate itself from the intense political attack it has sustained. It knows its changes will not do enough to satisfy critics like the Institute of Public Affairs but it wants to demonstrate it has listened to the majority of middle-income, middle-age-plus voters.

Yet this only points to the real problem obscured by all the political jousting. It is precisely those in the middle who are only starting to realise they have nowhere near enough money in super to have a comfortable retirement in an era of very low returns.

Under changes introduced by Morrison when Social Services Minister, even a part-aged pension cuts out for a single homeowner with assets beyond the family home of more than $547,000 from next January, for example. That is down from around $800,000 now. For a couple, eligibility for just a part pension falls from assets of $1.175 million to $823,000.

At a non-risky return rate of three per cent per annum, that's only around $16,500 for a single homeowner and $25,000 for a couple – much less than the aged pension. Super "reforms" – whether the government's or Labor's – make those harsh sums even harder to add up for an awful lot of people. But who's counting?