Bank staff 'named and shamed' for not hitting sales targets: union

Bank workers say they are being pressured by sales targets and want FOFA extended to retail banking.
Bank workers say they are being pressured by sales targets and want FOFA extended to retail banking. Paul Rovere

Bank tellers are "beginning to sound like a McDonald's employee" by offering unnecessary financial products to customers to meet sales targets, while others are being "named and shamed" in performance league tables for not meeting targets, says the union representing bank employees.

In an explosive submission to a review of bank salaries, the Finance Sector Union has urged the government to extend the Future of Financial Advice laws to all financial products and services, including loans and credit cards. The FSU also wants bankers to be bound by a duty to put their customers' "best interests" first, meaning they can only provide products and services appropriate to customer needs.

While new enterprise agreements in the big four banks have broken the link between pay and sales targets for many staff, the FSU says it does not go far enough. It argues there needs to be new legislation to remove conflicted remuneration from banking.

Its submission to the review by Australian Public Service commissioner Stephen Sedgwick paints a bleak picture of working conditions in the major banks, pointing to inadequate staffing, high levels of stress and anxiety, and aggressive management who push staff to sell products that don't align with the needs of customers.

The critique follows outgoing Reserve Bank of Australia governor Glenn Stevens' comments to The Australian Financial Review that banks and regulators must "take great care with incentives – be they financial incentives or any other kind – that they don't give too much temptation to do the wrong thing".

Following a survey of 1300 of the FSU's 33,000 members, the union said 71 per cent of bank staff say product and performance-based pay has undermined public trust in the industry. Staff are being told that if they don't meet sales targets "they won't receive a bonus and that their employment will be jeopardised", the submission said.

"The existing remuneration systems that reward product pushing and create potential conflict with customer's best interest duties is causing both reputational harm to the industry and leading to customers viewing interactions with banks with suspicion. These systems are eroding public trust and confidence in our banks," the submission said.

Comments in the submission from union members included: "We are pushed and pushed to reach targets that are unachievable unless you basically bully people into saying yes"; "Due to the focus on targets, some of our tellers are beginning to sound like a McDonald's employee [asking] 'Do you want fries with that?' Our version is 'Do you want a savings account or can I review your insurance arrangements?'"; and "Our manager bullies staff by telling them that if they don't reach their revenue target she will send them to another branch and get someone who can."

Submissions by the major banks to the Sedgwick inquiry are being kept confidential. Australian Bankers Association chief executive Steven Munchenberg said this was to ensure the banks "provide detailed information on how they remunerate staff, a lot of which is considered to be commercially competitive because banks compete for staff as well as customers".

The independent reviewer of the banking industry's examination of culture, former Commonwealth auditor-general Ian McPhee, met with representatives from the banks and the ABA on Friday.

Senior bankers recognise significant work needs to be done to repair the image that many customers have of their banks. George Frazis, chief executive of Westpac Banking Corp's consumer bank, told a Trans-Tasman Business Circle lunch on Friday that "banks have a significant perceived reputation problem right now ... Some people think we are just interested in profits. Some people don't fully trust us. That is the perception and the reality we face. The only way we can turn that around is to start earning back the trust of the people we serve – one customer at a time."

Mr Sedgwick, who is expected to publish an issues paper in December, has extended the period for submissions for his review until September 23.