Li Ka-Shing. His return to Hong Kong's property market has buoyed sentiment in the sector.

Li Ka-Shing returns to HK property market

The purchase is a welcome boost for Hong Kong's housing market, where large developers have been reluctant to make high bids on land after home prices fell and sales slowed earlier this year.

Brazil's former President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva. Charges could deal a serious blow to his legacy.

Former Brazilian president charged

The charges could be a devastating blow for the charismatic former union leader, who led Brazil from 2003 to 2010 with policies that helped tens of millions of Brazilians escape poverty.

Benjamin Netanyahu and Barack Obama in the Oval Office last year. US president is still seeking a two-state solution to ...

Obama prods Netanyahu on Palestine

In a nod to his differences with Netanyahu, Obama stressed the importance to Israel's security of resolving the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

Theresa May: go-ahead for Hinkley would be one of the first big strategic decisions of her premiership.

May likely to give Hinkley green light

Approval should shore up relations with Paris and Beijing at an uncertain time for British foreign policy after the vote to leave the EU.