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international / anarchist movement Tuesday September 01, 2015 18:41 by Corporate Watch
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DAF - Devrimci Anarşist Faaliyet

In May this year, Corporate Watch researchers travelled to Turkey and Kurdistan to investigate the companies supplying military equipment to the Turkish police and army. We talked to a range of groups from a variety of different movements and campaigns.

Below is the transcript of our interview with three members of the anarchist group Devrimci Anarşist Faaliyet (DAF, or Revolutionary Anarchist Action) in Istanbul during May 2015. DAF are involved in solidarity with the Kurdish struggle, the Rojava revolution and against ISIS' attack on Kobane, and have taken action against Turkish state repression and corporate abuse. They are attempting to establish alternatives to the current system through self-organisation, mutual aid and co-operatives.

The interview was carried out in the run-up to the Turkish elections, and touches on the election campaign by the HDP, the pro-Kurdish People's Democratic Party. Soon after the interview took place, the HDP passed the threshold of 10% of the total vote needed to enter the Turkish parliament.

The DAF members – who all preferred to remain anonymous – began the interview by talking about the history of anarchism in the region.


greece / turkey / cyprus / the left Thursday August 20, 2015 17:11 by Enrique Guerrero-López and Adam Weaver
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Tsipras and Iglesias

Syriza’s rise to power elicited widespread praise from the left internationally, inspiring renewed enthusiasm for the possibilities and promise of “mass left” party building in and outside the United States. At a rally celebrating Syriza’s electoral victory in Spain, Pablo Iglesias, secretary general of the Spanish anti-austerity party Podemos, declared that “the sun of hope rose over Greece.”

Yet “the sun of hope” began to set on Greece almost as quickly as it rose. Shortly after taking office, Syriza, the “Coalition of the Radical Left,” formed a coalition government with the right-wing, anti-immigrant Independent Greeks (ANEL) party, followed only months later by the predictable surrender of the government to a new round of harsh austerity imposed by Greece’s creditors.

argentina/uruguay/paraguay / historia Monday August 17, 2015 14:44 by Prensa FAR
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El objetivo del análisis que se desarrollará a continuación es el de proveer una aproximación a algunos procesos centrales de la historia reciente tanto mundial, regional como local. Entendemos que como militantes anarquistas debemos tener claro cuál es el contexto en el que vivimos para poder intervenir en las luchas sociales en sintonía con el mismo y potenciar así nuestras prácticas.

Será pertinente entonces aclarar que todo el desarrollo analítico siguiente es elaborado en función de la militancia y que como tal no pretende ser un análisis acabado ni un punto de llegada, sino que entendemos que se nutrirá de críticas y aportes que otros compañeros y compañeras puedan hacer. En consonancia con esto, cabe aclarar que este análisis no es únicamente un esfuerzo teórico si no que parte de la necesidad de comprender tanto las estrategias de los sectores dominantes como los diferentes procesos de resistencia que los de abajo venimos llevando adelante, todo esto desde una perspectiva anarquista.

Vale aclarar, además, que el presente análisis fue elaborado entre los meses de Marzo y Abril de 2015 a instancias del I Congreso de la Federación Anarquista de Rosario (ex Columna Libertaria Joaquín Penina), en donde dicho trabajo sirvió como insumo fundamental a la hora de interpretar los principales acontecimientos de la historia reciente.

international / economy Thursday August 13, 2015 02:04 by Lucien van der Walt
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Based on a talk given in Kenya, this article argues that, while official minimum wages and other improvements are welcome gains, they are inadequate in an exploiting system based on the rule of the few. It is necessary to pose the more ambitious demand for a 'living wage,' set by the working class, and to enforce this by building powerful, autonomous, self-managed, conscientised class-struggle movements.

Rejecting 'privilege' theories, it argues that all sectors of the working class benefit from demands and campaigns that secure equal rights, equal treatment and equal wages, against divide-and-rule systems, and in which strikers build alliances with communities and users. A 'living wage' movement of this type should be located in a larger project of building a popular counter-power that can resist, and then topple, ruling class power.


greece / turkey / cyprus / imperialism / war Wednesday July 22, 2015 01:42 by International Secretary – Black Rose Anarchist Federation
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Bombing in Suruç

At noon, in the border town of Suruç in Turkish Kurdistan, a bomb ripped through the bodies of communists, socialists, and anarchists who were on their way to assist in the rebuilding of Kobanê. Tens of people were killed, many more injured. One Black Rose member was present assisting in preparations for a campaign to support the rebuilding of Kobanê and Rojava, but was uninjured in the blast.

This demonstrates the attitude of the state and is indicative of a sad reality: Turkey is continuing its murderous policy towards the Kurds and this attack can be seen as a fulfillment of Erdogan’s promise to stop Rojava by any means necessary. In the coming months, Black Rose will continue to broaden the scope in organizing committees and networks in solidarity with Rojava. We hope for your support.

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Employees at the Zarfati Garage in Mishur Adumim vote to strike on July 22, 2014. (Photo courtesy of Ma’an workers union)

Employees at the Zarfati Garage in Mishur Adumim vote to strike on July 22, 2014. (Photo courtesy of Ma’an workers union)

Sat 10 Sep, 01:28

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