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france / belgique / luxembourg / divers Monday November 16, 2015 00:03 by Alternative Libertaire
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La solution ne viendra pas de celles et ceux qui ont contribué à créer cette situation par leurs politiques militaristes, impérialistes, discriminatoires, haineuses. Ils utilisent cette situation pour imposer une société toujours plus policière et une unité nationale entre exploiteurs et exploité-es, que nous refusons et dénonçons.

[English] [Italiano]

Lire aussi:
Leurs guerres, nos mort·e·s Coordination des Groupes Anarchistes - Région Parisienne
Trop de morts dans vos guerres: ne tuez pas nos libertés en plus Collectif Alternative Libertaire Seine-Saint-Denis
Votre peine est notre peine, votre rage est notre rage Devrimci Anarşist Faaliyet [English]
Attentats: Qui sème la guerre récolte la mort Communistes Libertaires de la CGT
Parigi 13 novembre: il braccio armato del terrore Alternativa Libertaria/FdCA
Davant els atacs terroristes succeïts a la nit d’ahir a París EMBAT [Castellano]
Voisins contre voisins José Antonio Gutiérrez D. [Castellano]

greece / turkey / cyprus / imperialism / war Sunday October 18, 2015 01:47 by Devrimci Anarşist Faaliyet - DAF
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Today, on the 10th of October, the “Labor, Democracy and Peace Meeting” that was organized by various unions, associations and organizations has been attacked. Like in Amed on June and in Suruc on July, the bombs exploding in Ankara today has killed tens of people.

[Italiano] [Ελληνικά]

See also:
southern africa / repression / prisoners Friday October 16, 2015 15:18 by Zabalaza Anarchist Communist Front
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Condemn political violence, terror

South Africa, 16 October 2015: On the evening of Friday 9 October 2015, a militant of the Zabalaza Anarchist Communist Front in the impoverished black township of Khutsong (west of Johannesburg), was threatened with violence for his political work by a group of youths.

The next morning, a political school that he and another member run in the area, was forcibly disrupted by an even larger mob. The two Zabalaza comrades were fortunately able to escape, but have had to flee to a neighbouring township where they are now in hiding. Meanwhile the thugs have returned to the house where “Tebogo” lives, looking for him.

[Français] [Italiano] [Português] [Castellano]

international / anarchist movement Wednesday September 30, 2015 04:09 by Anarkismo Network
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The Anarkismo Network

The international Anarkismo Network, which brings together class struggle anarchist organisations from more than a dozen countries in both the global South and North, and has relations with far more from across the globe, has noted with great surprise and concern the recent accusations by AK Press that Michael Schmidt is a fascist working undercover to infiltrate the anarchist movement.

Before we can make any pronouncements on the matter, however, we need to carefully examine both the AK Press evidence, the article by Alexander Reid Ross, as well as Michael Schmidt’s response to the evidence and article. As a network Anarkismo has not taken sides, and will not accuse the accuser or the accused before there is more information and all the evidence has been presented.


venezuela / colombia / imperialismo / guerra Monday September 28, 2015 21:02 by José Antonio Gutiérrez D.
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El apretón de manos de Juan Manuel Santos y Timoleón Jiménez, mediado por Raúl Castro.

Sea como sea, la firma de un acuerdo de paz, eventualmente, debería ser el comienzo de un nuevo proceso de luchas sociales en donde –si las cosas salen como deberían, algo altamente improbable- la oligarquía debería, en teoría, renunciar a la guerra sucia contra el pueblo. Pero sabemos –y esto lo sabe la comunidad internacional y los burócratas de la resolución de conflictos y construcción de paz- que el gobierno no cumplirá los acuerdos, mentirá y mantendrá niveles importantes de represión, que serán descritos como niveles “aceptables” por los socios en EEUU y la UE, que tienen demasiados intereses estratégicos en Colombia como para montar una alharaca por unos cuantos campesinos masacrados. No hay que caer en esa infantil ilusión burguesa de que con el fin del conflicto armado se le acabará a la oligarquía la “excusa” para criminalizar al movimiento popular y para reprimir. Como lo dijo el revolucionario guineano Amílcar Cabral, bajo las condiciones del capitalismo, toda lucha es armada: sólo que a veces el pueblo tiene armas y a veces no. Pero el Estado siempre las tiene y siempre las utiliza contra el pueblo cuando ve sus intereses estratégicos amenazados. La fuerza organizada del pueblo es la única barrera objetiva que tendrá esa violencia de clase. Hay que estar advertidos y preparados para los conflictos del post-conflicto.

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Employees at the Zarfati Garage in Mishur Adumim vote to strike on July 22, 2014. (Photo courtesy of Ma’an workers union)

Employees at the Zarfati Garage in Mishur Adumim vote to strike on July 22, 2014. (Photo courtesy of Ma’an workers union)

Sat 10 Sep, 01:28

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